Love’s Labors Lost






Working up the idea  for November’s production of Love’s Labors Lost from the original thumbnail — the ‘labyrinth of love,’  ordering nature, controlling nature, accepting that not everything can be ordered.  Jim Butchart, the director, liked where it is going.  We both agreed the blue curtain was overpowering and will likely change that into a series of painted panels.  The smaller branch panels suspended on pipes will also become less Japanese with more summery foliage;  there will also be three or four sizes of panels.   We also discussed how to get a bit of untamed nature in the space, and will be considering the possibility of a small pool and flowing stream.  On my way to my Library Services Committee I realized that using botanical illustrations from circa 1880 (the  period in which costumes will be designed) might a really interesting way to bring a sense of scholarly illusion to the world.