
Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on April 23rd, 2013 by Eric Appleton


The groundplan for “Dracula” is done.


Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on April 23rd, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Dracula with bars

Rethinking Dracula after the first sketch; I feel like I went too far with the neo-Gothic roofline. After seeing this quick work-up, Angela reminded me that there is a reference to bars in the script — they only go up on one window after one of Renfield’s escapes. So even though I enjoy their look, they’re a step too far. I do intend to insert tracery into the Gothic arches again, though I am considering a mix of tracery and more utilitarian round-topped windows inserted into the arches. . . The furniture depicted are placeholder pieces downloaded from Sketchup’s warehouse, though they have the dimension and general shape of what I expect to ultimately use.


And the drafting table, as I work up the groundplan.

Our Town

Posted in General Production, Student Work on April 18th, 2013 by Eric Appleton


Student lighting designer Sean Jensen and student stage manager Krissy Fisher getting ready to commence our first tech rehearsal of “Our Town” last night.


In the background, you can just about see student Joe Berman running the Foley table.


Snapping beans in the first act.


Looking at the moon.


The third act. In the graveyard.


Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on April 16th, 2013 by Eric Appleton


Working up a sketch for the Fall’s production of “Dracula.” We’re doing this in a stadium configuration, with the study on one end and a space that doubles for Mina’s room and the crypt on the other.

The finalized groundplan is due in two weeks. On today’s agenda, first tech for “Our Town.”

Our Town

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design on April 10th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

April 2013 004

As minimal as our production of Our Town will be, the shops are very quiet. We have, however, built some step boxes and the two trellises (and I’ve dug out all of our decent chairs and we’ve purchased two tables and two wooden ladders). Above are the trellises with their paint treatment.


Posted in Uncategorized on March 22nd, 2013 by Eric Appleton

At the annual USITT conference yesterday and today, in Milwaukee. I was on a panel discussing Teachers vs. Zombies and Vampires. It went well — always nice to trade stories with fellow teachers and see what solutions to common problems are out there. You are not alone, even in the face of the zombie student onslaught.


On the Expo floor. Always a good time.


Here’s our student Jayson Winslow and his friend from Stevens Point, after we all found ourselves at the panel discussing the future of projections.

Our Town

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on March 14th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Our Town House Set Up Act One

The set up for the first act of “Our Town.” Again, we have chosen to not go beyond what Wilder asks for, though as you may note, I have decided against a cyc (even though some cyc effects are noted in the script, the photos of the original production show a bare back wall. I like the idea of the back wall ensuring that we don’t suggest we’ve left the theatre). The Foley table off house left will be joined by the organ (when I get dimensions and a picture I will probably add that to the image).

Our Town House Set Up Act One with Ladders

Adding the ladders.

Our Town Church Act Two

The set up for the church in Act Two.

Our Town Graveyard Set Up Act Three 2

And Act Three’s graveyard. We will be closing the main act as noted at the end of the act, opening back up on a stage empty except for the ghost light.

Our Town

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on March 10th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Our Town House Set Up Act One

Today is the first rehearsal of “Our Town,” with designer presentations. Here’s the Sketchup rendering of the first act placement of furniture, etc. I will be closing the main act a couple of feet to help frame the space a little more cleanly. . .

Mid-America Theatre Conference

Posted in Uncategorized on March 10th, 2013 by Eric Appleton


My Whitewater colleague Tracey Lyons (costume design) and friend Dr. Tim Good of De Pauw University having some coffee at the Mid-American Theater Conference in St. Louis this past weekend. We were there to present a panel on Intersections with the Liberal Arts in Design Pedagogy. It went well.

Our Town

Posted in Drawings, General Production on March 6th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Young Auditorium 4

Now that “The Drowsy Chaperone” has closed and been struck, attention now turns to “Our Town.” I’m finishing up the Sketchup Model of the Young Auditorium — there are a few architectural features I’m tracking down scale drawings for — after which I will start arranging furniture to give us some snapshots of the various set-ups. As mentioned before, we’re staying pretty traditional with the staging, though we will have live sound effects on a foley table off on the house left walkway.