Tag: Alexis

I Think We Need to Take a Break…

I Think We Need to Take a Break…

…from social media. “I think we need to take a break” gives you anxiety by just reading it in your head, so it’s fair that when someone tells you it’s time to take a break with social media, you freak out. I’m not saying you 

Creating Your Balance

Creating Your Balance

Creating a routine for yourself can be a difficult process, but also one of the most rewarding. Health wise, it’s really hard. I can easily say that 95% of the people I know have started a healthy lifestyle whether it be a workout routine, diet, 

Have you thought your digestion today?

Have you thought your digestion today?

Seriously though, have you? Digestion is something we know but don’t give the time of day it deserves. Recently I have come across a “life style” called food combining. Food combining essentially is a method that focuses on specific food combinations that help Continue reading Have you thought your digestion today?

Summertime Madness

Summertime Madness

Transitioning from school to summer can be confusing and difficult, especially if you’re starting a summer job. During school you have a specific routine whether you know it or not. You had your school schedule for one, and on top of that I’m sure you