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Eating Healthy at Subway

Eating Healthy at Subway

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Don’t Panic, Eat Organic!

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kickboxing picWhen I think of kickboxing I tend to think of tough, ripped, really intense people who spend all day punching bags. It is a sport that I’ve always been interested in, but being the yoga lovin’-paddle boarding-runner that I am, I’ve never considered myself that “tough,” therefore I’ve been too chicken to try it. After seeing my friend promote her kickboxing class on social media for a few weeks, I decided to give up my sissy ways and take the plunge.

My first thought when I started the class was, “woah.” Half way through the class my thoughts progressed to, “WOAH,” and when the class was over, my body was too tired to even process thinking. I knew kickboxing was intense, but I never imagined it being THAT intense. It was awesome.

The 9Round Fitness Gym is a kickboxing gym made up of 9 stations that each person rotates in and out of. Here is a brief description of the stations directly from the website:

Stations 1 and 2 consist of “STRENGTH BUILDING”. You will use Dumb Bells, Kettle Bells, Medicine Balls, Jump Ropes, and other equipment to build strength and stamina.

Stations 3-8 are where the real FUN begins. You will strike a variety of bags including 100lb Heavy Bags to build power, double end bags to increase hand eye coordination and timing, and speed bags to develop shoulder conditioning and speed.

Station 9 is dedicated to the core. We want to get you as strong as possible and the CORE is the key. Besides all the other kicking and punching that you will be doing, we dedicate a full station to strengthening the most important part of your body

All together the full rotation is 30 minutes long. Each station is 3 minutes long, and then you do 30 seconds of intense movement (ex: burbees, pushups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers) until your next station.”

Although the workout is short, my friend and kickboxing trainer Brittany assured me, “The stations incorporate different kickboxing and boxing techniques through circuit training, strength training, aerobic and anaerobic exercises.” She also went on to saying that on average you burn anywhere between 300-500 calories. Not bad for 30 minutes! And I believe it too, because after that time I was feeling the burn.

I personally found the whole experience very transforming. It gave me the chance to feel tough and powerful, and not like a weak duckling for once. This is something that I would recommend to ANYONE who has ever had the urge to try kickboxing. Although intimidating at first, at 9Round they have personal trainers guiding and pushing you the whole way. On top of that, your first class is free! The 9Round gyms are located in Oak Creek, Brookfield, Madison East and Madison West, but if you have your eyes on another kickboxing gym go check it out! It doesn’t hurt to just try it, and believe me, if I can do it, you can do it. I was afraid to try it and now I can’t wait to go back! Good luck!

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong.

Mary Marren

To check out more information about kickboxing or prices to the 9Round gym, please feel free to visit their website!

Love your Metabolism

Love your Metabolism

Ah, the beautiful phrase “high metabolism”. Having a high metabolism essentially means that you can eat more food and not have to worry about the consequences. Those with lower metabolisms struggle burning the food they ate off and have to eat less in order to