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Why Choose Meditation

Why Choose Meditation

With the turn of the New Year everyone has his or her new resolutions and goals. Most people aim to lose weight, eat better, or workout everyday. The truth is though, if this isn’t something you normally already do, keeping those resolutions can be extremely 

Inside > Outside

Inside > Outside

After a lot of thinking, which was probably sparked by the hours of Grey’s Anatomy I’ve been watching on Netflix lately, I have been wondering how an average college students’ lifestyle affects the body. This time, though, I am not going to blog on the 

You Got that Wintertime, Wintertime Sadness

You Got that Wintertime, Wintertime Sadness

Pic for Blog We all have a favorite season or certain time of year that makes us feel our best. For some its fall because of the cozy sweaters and warm colored leaves and for some its spring because of the vibrant flowers and newly green grass. While we all have personal preference on what kind of weather and time of year we enjoy, did you ever think that a season could be unhealthy for you? From the diagnosed disorder SAD (seasonal affective disorder) to simple wintertime blues, this cold time of year can take a toll on your mood. Therefore it is important to know how to beat the blues!

1.)    Keep yourself in a consistent rhythm!

Now that a lot of us are on winter break, we have a lot of time to lay around and watch Netflix and sleep. Nothing wrong with relaxing! We all deserve it after finals after all, but too many lazy days will put you in a slump. Creating a solid routine for yourself such as going to the gym in the morning, go to work or any commitment you have during the day, and then set tasks and chores to complete that night will help you tackle the day with a purpose. Being lazy is a nice contrast from a hectic semester, but doing nothing but laying in your bed every day will do nothing for your health or your mood.

2.)    Eat like its summer

Leave the colorless, and bland gloominess for outside and fill your plate with vibrancy! The complex carbohydrates in fresh produce will increase levels of serotonin in the brain, whereas fats and refined sugars, reduce brain-derived neurotropic factor, which is a protein that protects against being in a bad mood and even depression. So out with the pasta and holiday casseroles and in with the foods that make you feel like you’re vacationing in the Caribbean!

3.)      Expand your day

The sun may only be making an appearance til 5 or so but it doesn’t mean you need to put your day halt. Wake up early and make use of the day! Waking up in the middle of the day will allow you to be up when the sun is for only a few hours which contributes to a Vitamin D deficiency. Get up, bundle up and go for a brisk walk and soak in the sun, even in if the air is cold!

  • What is SAD?

These tips are helpful for anyone who wants to boost their mood during the winter, but being affected by the season can take more to beat the blues if you think you have Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you have signs of depression that make an appearance every year during the year but leave during the spring, it is important to see a doctor and discuss how to treat it. Ways to treat it include investing in a light box, exercise and proper diet, and investing in a negative ion generator which purifies indoor air, which can reduce SAD systems.

While we all love this time of year because of the Holidays, it is important that we know how to take care of ourselves and don’t let our mood go into a slump after the ‘holiday high’. Whether its simple wintertime blues where you can prevent getting into a potential depression or if you think you have symptoms that match up with SAD, it is important to know how to take care of yourself and keep yourself at your healthiest and happiest, year round!

“It’s a good day to have a good day!”

-Alena Purpero ♡

New Year,New You

New Year,New You

As the year 2014 is wrapping up, we all know what is coming next; you need to pick a New Years resolution for 2015. We all do it and only about 30% of us are actually able to stick to that resolution. The most important