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Look Good, Feel Good

Look Good, Feel Good

Man, summer is flying by Warhawks. It is already the end of June and it feels like summer just started. Summer is a wonderful time to have fun and try new things. When trying new things, you want to look good so you can feel 

Have you thought your digestion today?

Have you thought your digestion today?

Seriously though, have you? Digestion is something we know but don’t give the time of day it deserves. Recently I have come across a “life style” called food combining. Food combining essentially is a method that focuses on specific food combinations that help

How I Stay Dedicated to My Fitness Goals

How I Stay Dedicated to My Fitness Goals

Finding motivation to go to the gym everyday is hard.  Life is busy, work is long, you have other obligations, you’re tired, you want to spend your time doing more fun things, there’s not enough time in the day… the list could go on and on.  There are a million different excuses you could come up with to justify not going.  It’s easy to give up on plans when it’s only yourself that’s committed to them.  Continue reading How I Stay Dedicated to My Fitness Goals

Fitness Groupie

Fitness Groupie

It had been a long day, so heading into my final challenge at 7pm took a lot of motivation. I had never done Yoga before, and I was worried about the amount of people that would be there. If only one or two people showed