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Savor Summer Memories

Savor Summer Memories

            Memories play a huge part in how we make sense, cope and react to the others around us in the world. Summer is typically the time when most of us make those ever lasting memories and as always, it comes and goes so fast 

I Think We Need to Take a Break…

I Think We Need to Take a Break…

…from social media. “I think we need to take a break” gives you anxiety by just reading it in your head, so it’s fair that when someone tells you it’s time to take a break with social media, you freak out. I’m not saying you 

Health is a Lifestyle, Not a Trend

Health is a Lifestyle, Not a Trend

When you hear the word “lifestyle” what do you think of?  Something along the lines of longevity and things you obtain, right?  Describing your lifestyle might include the car you drive, the home live in, the clothes you wear, the job you possess, the amount of money you have, etc.  A lifestyle is how you live.  So why not add good health to your current list?  Continue reading Health is a Lifestyle, Not a Trend

Top 5 Freshman Tips

Top 5 Freshman Tips

Top 5 Freshman Tips If your first day of college is coming up on campus at UW-Whitewater, it would be fair if you’re a bit nervous. Of course, plenty of time has been spent on preparation. Things like securing funds, nailing down your living situation,