Scary truth about Halloween candy

Scary truth about Halloween candy

By: Eric Hess It was just Halloween weekend, and I’m sure we all did our fair share of candy consumption. Ever wonder how much work you’ll have to do to burn off that whole bag of candy that you just devoured? You might rethink your 

Utilizing technology to achieve your fitness goals

Utilizing technology to achieve your fitness goals

By: Eric Hess Whether this is your first of fourth year off at college, getting into a regular workout routine can be difficult. Other than utilizing our vast amounts of group fitness classes and gyms, there are many things you can do in order to 

Learning to love that A.M. workout

Learning to love that A.M. workout

By: Kenzi Weidman I am not a morning person, nor have I ever been one. I cherish every second of sleep I can get, so I could never imagine waking up early to go work my butt off when I could be sleeping! All summer 

Make time, not excuses

Make time, not excuses

By: Eric Hess The number one excuse for not exercising is time. I find myself trying to find as many excuses as possible to not work out. We as students do have very busy days between going to class, doing homework and maintaining a social