Fitness Trends for 2022

Fitness Trends for 2022

New year, new trends. Throughout each year there are various trends that come into fruition relating to health, wellness, and fitness. Social media plays a role in these trends as people see what others are doing and most of the time want to mimic it. 

Managing Stress During Finals

Managing Stress During Finals

With final exams finally here, this time of the year is usually quite stressful for a lot ofstudents. Most homework assignments are being completed and turned in and exams are onthe horizon. The average student at UW-Whitewater takes around five college courses at a timewhich 

Are you drinking enough water?

Are you drinking enough water?

We have all heard before that we are probably dehydrated or do not drink enough water throughout the day. Hydration is highly important in your overall health and wellbeing and figuring out how much water you need to be drinking daily can greatly improve your 

Keeping a Healthy Mindset

Keeping a Healthy Mindset

This week instead of focusing on physical health we will be dedicating this blog to speakingabout mental health. Last week our blog mentioned seven of the best workouts for seasonaldepression. If you missed that blog make sure to click here to read! In today’s blog