Make time, not excuses

Make time, not excuses

By: Eric Hess The number one excuse for not exercising is time. I find myself trying to find as many excuses as possible to not work out. We as students do have very busy days between going to class, doing homework and maintaining a social 

Paleo Diet: friend or foe?

Paleo Diet: friend or foe?

By: Abbey Bowen When I was struggling with acne last semester, I kept looking for natural solutions online. One day, the “Paleo Diet” showed up on a Google search. I clicked it, and read all about this new diet that aims to mimic the dietary 

The ‘No Diet’ diet

The ‘No Diet’ diet

By: Mary Marren I recently started following a fitness guru on twitter. She tweeted about this 21-day diet where you don’t eat any sweets, chips, fast food, or drink anything but water. The first thing I thought to myself was that that would be a 

Staying fit freshman year

Staying fit freshman year

By: Kenzi Weidman Leaving home and starting college is never an easy thing to do, especially when it comes to making healthy choices all on your own. I grew up in a household where healthy food was the only thing in the fridge. It was