Ban “Bossy”

Ban “Bossy”

By: Abbey Bowen Hello, everyone! This week I’m taking a break from blogging about health and fitness to address an important topic brought to my attention recently. Some of the most powerful women in the world, including Beyonce, Condoleezza Rice and First Lady Michelle Obama, 

Juicing vs. Blending

Juicing vs. Blending

By: Mary Marren Juicing and Blending have both become extremely popular in the past few years. People are always on the lookout for ways to eat healthy and quickly, so it is so surprise that these two methods are trending. The question on everyone’s mind 

Fighting the Winter Blues

Fighting the Winter Blues

By: Mary Marren Getting into a regular fitness routine can take a lot of work. You put your dedication and time into making yourself healthy and happy and there is nothing worse than something stopping you on your journey. Now that winter is here, I 

Exercise for book worms

Exercise for book worms

By: Abbey Bowen This is probably one of the sillier posts I have ever written. But while reading a book this morning, I found myself wondering if there’s a way to combine two of my favorite pastimes: exercising and reading. I Googled, “Exercises and stretches