Don’t Panic, Eat Organic!

Don’t Panic, Eat Organic!

Summer, a time where you not only get three months of (almost) worry free bliss and warm weather, but a time where some of your favorite fruits and veggies are in season. For me personally, summer calls for eating more whole foods because I have more 



When I think of kickboxing I tend to think of tough, ripped, really intense people who spend all day punching bags. It is a sport that I’ve always been interested in, but being the yoga lovin’-paddle boarding-runner that I am, I’ve never considered myself that 

Love your Metabolism

Love your Metabolism

Ah, the beautiful phrase “high metabolism”. Having a high metabolism essentially means that you can eat more food and not have to worry about the consequences. Those with lower metabolisms struggle burning the food they ate off and have to eat less in order to 

Coffee Savy

Coffee Savy

Now in days, walking into a coffee shop can be a bit intimidating. Not only are the drinks at coffee shops complicated and European sounding, the sizes are just as confusing.  To cut some of the stress you experience while translating the menu, I thought