University Center Blog

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

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Farewell UC Student Workers

We asked all departing UC student workers to answer a couple questions about their time here in the UC. Check out their answers below! What will you miss most about the UC? “The thing I will miss most about the UC is… Continue Reading →

Winter Survival Guide

I think winter weather has got to be one of the most frustrating things about going to college. If you’re like me, you think that walking in the bitter cold and wind chills below freezing tends to get pretty old… Continue Reading →

Quest for a Big 4 Internship

To many, the words “Big four” might sound random and unimportant. But to accounting students this means a lot more. The big four is basically 4 massive global firms that dominate the auditing, tax and consulting space. They are: Deloitte,… Continue Reading →

Staying Healthy in College

Staying healthy is definitely not the easiest thing during your college years, but it is extremely important and following some of these simple tips is a great start!   Use your resources on campus: For example our Health Center provides… Continue Reading →

Making Healthy College Foods

The freshman fifteen is a definite thing. You can pay for the gym membership, count your calories, etc. but the freshman fifteen still happens. It’s inevitable. As a sophomore at the university, gaining those fifteen pounds was like welcoming an… Continue Reading →

How To Get Through Your Toughest Class This Semester

I think its safe to say that all of us have had some pretty rough classes throughout our college careers. Whether you’re a freshman or fifth year senior, there are classes that you might be taking right now that literally… Continue Reading →

Where Should I Sit in Class?!

You walk into your first class and panic. If you sit in front, the professor might call on you, but if you are all the way in back you can’t see the notes. Where do you sit? The middle? The front? Well,… Continue Reading →

4 Key Resumé Tips

Writing a resumé takes some time and work, but it is extremely important to have an updated and error-free resumé. Especially when you are applying for internships and jobs after graduation! Remember that you are surrounded by professionals and peers that… Continue Reading →

Tailgating Safety

Hey Warhawks! It’s homecoming week here at UW-Whitewater and I am sure you all are super excited for the rest of the festivities! The homecoming game is this Saturday, and there are a few key pieces of information you should know… Continue Reading →

Things You Need To Do This Fall

Leaves are changing colors, pumpkin flavored everything has made its appearance, temperatures are dropping, football is back and girls are bringing out the scarves and UGG boots. All of this can only mean one thing: fall is here. As students, fall… Continue Reading →

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