University Center Blog

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

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Travel Abroad Must Haves

When leaving the country it can be really difficult deciding what is important to bring, especially if it is your first time.  Here is a list (in no particular order) of travel abroad must haves that I believe are vital while traveling… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day with Bae

Valentine’s Day is upon us, which is one of the few days of the year when it is socially acceptable to preach your love for your partner from the mountain top.  I’m not much for bragging about your loved one… Continue Reading →

Mac Vs. PC

Mac versus PC, the age old showdown that could be approached many different ways. Some who have tried to tackle this argument sought to answer the simple question of “which one has the better specs on paper?” While others choose… Continue Reading →

How to Organize Yourself as an Overcommitted Student

Student orgs, committee meetings, classes, and jobs. The lives of college students are busier than ever, so how do you keep up the juggling act and keep up with everything? I’ve got a few tips and tricks that’ll help you… Continue Reading →

How to Up Your Hot Chocolate Game

Nothing complements the wintry weather better than hot chocolate, but what if you want to mix it up? Forget just putting marshmallows in your drink, go all out with new flavors and toppings! One of my favorite Starbucks drinks is… Continue Reading →

Spending the Holidays 1700 Miles From Home

I knew this holiday was definitely going to be different. The holidays have always been a family-centered event for me. It seems like it is almost a competition to see how many family members on both sides of the family… Continue Reading →

What to Do over Winter Break

After a semester’s worth of sleepless nights, endless amounts of studying, and papers where the citations seem to take an eternity to finish, there’s no doubt that you deserve a chance to catch up on sleep and relax. However, there… Continue Reading →

How to Stay Thankful All Year Round

‘Tis the season of thanking. Thanking your parents for all that they do for you. Thanking your friends for keeping you on your toes throughout the semester. Thanking your professors for being lenient during the holidays. Being thankful feels great,… Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Spice vs. Apple Cinnamon

Check out this vlog!

How To Vote

Voting Process With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, it’s easy to get confused about how the process of voting in your town works. It can be even harder to understand when you move away from your hometown… Continue Reading →

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