Valentine’s Day is upon us, which is one of the few days of the year when it is socially acceptable to preach your love for your partner from the mountain top.  I’m not much for bragging about your loved one on social media, but today I’m going to do so.  I would like to introduce you to my bae, Netflix.

Netflix and I met in August of 2012, and it was truly love at first sight.  When I began scrolling through the Netflix feed for the first time, my love grew exponentially by the second.  After finally settling on a show, The Office, I began my first Netflix binge watching session.  3-hours deep into my binge session, I knew I had to go outside and get some physical activity.  But as I began tying my shoes and preparing for my run, I felt like I was leaving something behind.  How could I leave behind my new best friend?  Suddenly the light bulb went off in my head; I can run on the treadmill and watch Netflix on my phone.

After 4.5 years of pure bliss together, I want to inspire you on helping you find your love for Netflix.  Although I can’t guarantee you having the same burning passion Netflix and myself have together, I can help you with the necessary stepping stones required for a Netflix binge watching session.

The first requirement is signing up for Netflix.  This small, easy task of signing up for a subscription shows that you are committed to a long-term relationship.  If you are not going to be committed for the long run, why should Netflix?

The second step is scrolling through the Netflix feed and adding as many shows, movies, and documentaries you are interested in to your list.  This customization phase helps Netflix know what shows you enjoy, and what kind of shows you may like down the road.

The third step is finally deciding on what show to begin watching.  The tv shows that I have checked off of my Netflix list have been: The Office, Friday Night Lights, Friends, Narcos, Stranger Things, How I Met Your Mother, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, House of Cards, The League, Breaking Bad, and Dexter (I know I have a problem).  Luckily, I haven’t even scratched the surface of all of the great shows on Netflix.

Strap into your couch with your favorite snacks and tackle the fourth and final step, which is becoming too lazy to stop the “continue watching” notification at the end of each episode.  This small notification lets Netflix know things are still going well between the two of you, and that there’s nothing in your relationship worth changing.  Unfortunately, after 3 episodes of your favorite show, Netflix will ask you “Are you still watching?”  Don’t worry, this is just a test and a playful reminder that Netflix cares about you.  You should obviously hit “continue playing”, which proves to Netflix you are committed to one another.


At the end of a long-day, your new friend will always be there for you.  Whether you just went through a breakup, bombed an exam, or have nothing else to do, Netflix will always be there for you with all of your favorite shows and movies.


Happy Valentine’s Day, Warhawks


Alec and Netflix