University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Resources

Finding Your Balance as a Working, Full-Time Student

Being a full-time working student, it can be easy to feel out of balance and disorganized. Here are some of my top tips for getting back on track, from one working student to another! Get a planner.   Organization is… Continue Reading →

Staying Calm When Changing Your Major: A Guide to Taking Your Time

When it comes to college, some people just knoooow what they are going to do, and others are trying to find their “thing”. Outside of those who do and do not know, there are those who think that they know… Continue Reading →

How to Avoid Staying in your Dorm 24/7

What not many people know, is that there is actually a lot you can do here in Whitewater! You just have to do your research and be creative! Here are some things that I have done my past 4 years… Continue Reading →

Why Fall is the BEST Time to Exercise

We’re back in action now, classes have resumed, sports are back on TV, and the leaves. will soon be turning. Given this year is much different than what we have experienced before, many alterations will have to be made but… Continue Reading →

What Banking Option is Right for you?

UW-W Student Banking Options Even with the Coronavirus pandemic, a lot of students are either returning to school or moving closer to campus for online courses. Whether you had your own bank account before you started college or not, deciding… Continue Reading →

Creating A Routine That Works For You

Starting a new semester brings lots of changes and as college students we must adapt to a new class schedule, possibly a new living arrangement, and other new opportunities that come our way.  This semester is unlike any other with lots… Continue Reading →

How to Stay Healthy in the Dorms this Fall

As a college student, it feels as if I am constantly being told “Remember to wear your face coverings”, “Practice social distancing”, and “Stay home if you are feeling ill. “Now, all those things are important and should be practiced… Continue Reading →

6 Easy Ways Students Can Save Money

As part of Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012), you might think that saving is something to do in your late 20’s or early 30’s. But the truth is that saving – whether it be for retirement, medical emergencies,… Continue Reading →

Mind Your Health & Stress Less

STRESS-BUSTING TIPS Stress is a natural part of life – we all experience it and some of us struggle with it every day. While acute stress is inevitable, it is important to keep day-to-day stress managed so it does not… Continue Reading →

Which Meal Plan is Right for You?

Which Meal Plan is Right for You? Here at Whitewater we have many meal plan options for our students to choose from. It can seem overwhelming at the beginning but don’t worry because we are here to help! Breaking Down… Continue Reading →

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