University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Resources

Top 5 Tips for Living Off-Campus

The dorms can be a blast for incoming freshman at a university, but the real excitement comes when you are all set up to live in an apartment or house for your remaining years in college. No quiet hours, no… Continue Reading →

Signing Your First Lease!

So you just signed the lease with a few of your best college buddies and you’re looking forward to your first year living off campus. First, congratulations! It’s an exciting time and a huge step towards becoming an adult. Second,… Continue Reading →

Travel Abroad Must Haves

When leaving the country it can be really difficult deciding what is important to bring, especially if it is your first time.  Here is a list (in no particular order) of travel abroad must haves that I believe are vital while traveling… Continue Reading →

How to Organize Yourself as an Overcommitted Student

Student orgs, committee meetings, classes, and jobs. The lives of college students are busier than ever, so how do you keep up the juggling act and keep up with everything? I’ve got a few tips and tricks that’ll help you… Continue Reading →

Spending the Holidays 1700 Miles From Home

I knew this holiday was definitely going to be different. The holidays have always been a family-centered event for me. It seems like it is almost a competition to see how many family members on both sides of the family… Continue Reading →

How To Vote

Voting Process With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, it’s easy to get confused about how the process of voting in your town works. It can be even harder to understand when you move away from your hometown… Continue Reading →

The Budget Traveler

Looking for an adventure this summer? As college students, it can be very difficult to not only find time but also find money to go on a trip. Here are a few tips that could possibly save you a big… Continue Reading →

Foolproof Guide To Surviving a Crazy Week

Finals week is upon us (which means summer is right around the corner!) and most of us would probably lose our heads if they weren’t attached. To make life a little easier, I’ve devised a foolproof guide to surviving a… Continue Reading →

Relax & Read

Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. Who has time for reading something other than a textbook? Yes, it sometimes can seem difficult to find time to pick up a book just for fun. But at… Continue Reading →

Focused And Fatigued

Admit it! We’ve all had that point in time where we accidentally fell asleep in an important place. You somehow didn’t get enough sleep the night before because of homework, work, or some kid banging on people’s doors late at… Continue Reading →

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