University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Self Care & Wellness

Staying Healthy in College

Staying healthy is definitely not the easiest thing during your college years, but it is extremely important and following some of these simple tips is a great start!   Use your resources on campus: For example our Health Center provides… Continue Reading →

Making Healthy College Foods

The freshman fifteen is a definite thing. You can pay for the gym membership, count your calories, etc. but the freshman fifteen still happens. It’s inevitable. As a sophomore at the university, gaining those fifteen pounds was like welcoming an… Continue Reading →

How to DO Happiness

My mom is one of the smartest people I know. Its true, she’s not exactly a chess grandmaster, but she DOES know a lot about life, love, and happiness. Over the years she has taken great pains to pass her… Continue Reading →

Motivation: The Struggle is Real

Being a senior and ready to graduate, I’ve realized that senioritis is real.  I have been struggling this entire semester trying to be productive but just not having the energy.  It might have something to do with Gilmore Girls on… Continue Reading →

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