World of the Arts is a class that many students have to take for their General Education requirement. As many people know, once they are in the class, they need to attend some events in the Center of the Arts building. There is a fee that goes along with this too that students pay once they get their student bills at the beginning of the semester. At this point all students taking WOTA will have vouchers on their HawkCards.
What is a voucher?
Many people enrolled in WOTA are often confused about what a voucher is and more importantly how to use them. A voucher is just a credit put on your HawkCard if you are enrolled in the WOTA class. You get 4 vouchers total that are good for attending any of the events your instructor requires. However, people get confused quite often on which events they can use particular vouchers for.
Of the 4 vouchers on your HawkCard:
- 2 of them are good for seeing events that are held in the Young Auditorium
- 1 is good for attending any theatre or dance event which is typically performed in either the Barnett Theatre or in Hicklin Studio
- 1 music voucher, which is good for attending music events typically performed in the Light Recital Hall, with the exception of SWE and WSO events that are rented and held in Young Auditorium.
So now that you know what you can use your vouchers for you might have some other questions as well. One question in particular that students often have is how many vouchers are still left on their card. When going to Ticket Services in the Center of the Arts not only can tickets be purchased, but students can also find out what the balance is on their HawkCards. This is a handy feature not only if a student forgets which vouchers they have used but also when enrolled in another class such as English 101 or some music classes which, at times, there can also be vouchers on a HawkCard for one of those classes. You can also check out how many vouchers you have left by using the free HawkCard app for iPhone or Android. Note: You must be logged into the respective app store to download either application.
Another question that people have at times about their vouchers are whether or not they can use a voucher on a friend. If someone was going to an upcoming show and wanted to bring a friend, they could not use a second Young Auditorium voucher on a ticket for a friend. They would have to purchase a separate ticket. This could be done via cash, checks, or credit cards. Another recommendation is that you get your tickets in advance! This makes the day of the performance much smoother for everyone. Hopefully this will help eliminate some confusion for those of you currently enrolled in a WOTA class or those who may still need to take the class.
If any other questions come up be sure to call the Ticket Services office at the Center of the Arts for any ticket information at (262) 472-2222 or stop on by and ask in person!
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