smartphones,  Tech

smartphone 2.0

Can you imagine a world where instead of having to pull your phone out of your pocket, all you have to do to answer it is flicking your wrist and a hologram of the person calling appears like that of Star Wars or those in Tony Stark’s workshop from the Original Iron Man movie? This would eliminate the fear of always wondering where your phone is. These are no longer the dreams of the future. We could see these innovations come quicker than we thought with the outbreak of the coronavirus throughout China. The virus has caused a major setback in the production of smartphones from Apple, Samsung, and Huawei Technologies. Samsung has already shut down all of its factories in mainland China, while Apple has now experienced an ongoing quarantine that has lasted 14 days now. This is causing the major companies to rethink their production of smartphones in China and starting to think of a way to cut out factories in that part of the world and produce the phones of the future.

It is not as tall of a challenge to climb as it once was, with most of the technology already having been invented, including 5G networks for faster speeds and unlimited storage, virtual displays, either augmented or holograms to replace the physical screens you use now, and even speech/mind-control interfaces to replace touch screens. The only hurdle to overcome is how to replace the quality cameras that are in cell phones, however, some would argue to return to having stand-alone cameras again.

An example of what holographic technology will look like in the future is a video made by Corning titled A Day Made of Glass. They show what the future is turning into.


  • Haley Henricksen

    What an amazing read! It is crazy where technology is taking our personal devices and making them into profitable screens. The HOlographic text seems to be the future of surpassing touch screens. I do not know if it will all work out because of how people will be able to seen the screen in bright places. Have you thought about covering the razor flip phone with the touch screen?

  • Brett

    It’s wild to imagine that things once thought of as sci-fi tech that it would take hundreds of years to develop, is starting to become a reality. I feel like there would be problems like the first few generations of touch screens have where no one is fully ready to make the transition and it will take quite awhile to be fully optimized. It is both sad and surprising that the reason companies are rethinking smartphone production isn’t to see how far they can push technology, but rather the coronavirus.


  • Becca Fish

    This topic has always fascinated me. The idea of holographic technology seems to eliminate so many negatives, like broken screens or bulky phones. The idea of having my phone on my wrist is so appealing, and I think other people like it too. Thanks for sharing, I’ll be keeping an eye out for these features.

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  • Olga O. Voss

    Just got a LED case and a wireless charger from due to them doing a buy one get one free event. So basically I got the case for free but paid for the charger. Hope they did some reinforcements on the newer cases. Also very preem looking phone case! Great video though!

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