What a Model

June 15, 2017 I entered Cooper in a contest be be featured in a calendar at Elmbrook Humane Society, where I adopted him from. It was $5.00 to enter him in, and then people had to vote for him in order for him to win. Each vote costed $1.00. He didn’t win to get...

Dog’s and Babies, Could it get any Cuter?

June 12, 2017 This dog is obsessed with babies. Weird right? This is Stella, she is my Boyfriends Niece and Cooper loves her. Whenever she’s around, he needs to be sitting by her or laying with her. He constantly licks her face, which she loves and hysterically...

Muddy Buddy

April 16, 2017 Boy does Cooper love puddles, especially the muddy ones. Spring is the worst time of year to have to let your dog outside to go potty in my opinion, because it always rains in Spring. This makes the grass become puddles of mud, which, unfortunately,...

Fasten Your Seatbelt’s

August 3, 2016 When Cooper was a puppy, he sat nicely in the back of the car and slept most of the time. It was never an issue for us to worry about him jumping up to the front. As he got older, he wanted to come up to the front by us. It became more stressful, and...

Hand Shakes are for Dogs too

March 17, 2016 I spent the whole day teaching Cooper to do hand shake. I was so determined to get him to learn it in one day, that I didn’t stop till he did it at least once. When teaching him, I got out my treats and stood him in front of me. I use a stern...