For this week, both albums are going to tell us stories. Two Faced Charade, released in 2013, is a concept album that tells the story of a guy falling in love with a girl who moves in next door, him developing a split personality and falling victim to his demons. This album is very one-note, in the sense that all the songs sound very similar with a strong metalcore presence, but it’s a tone that I enjoy. The Show Must Go On Part 2 is a rather haunting song because of how it reuses choruses from previous songs and overlays them to create a space of confusion before abruptly ending. To Play Hide and Seek with Jealousy features a great slowdown leading into the heaviest breakdown on the album, introduced with a chainsaw. The biggest sonic change comes from the ending of The Relentless, which takes on a “poppier” drum pattern before bringing back the heavy.
Guitarists will need to be proficient in quick open triplets found throughout the album. There are few guitar solos, mostly found during Lust of the Lost, and the ending of Legends and Legacies, which could be guitar or a synth, but still sounds great playing. Drums feature heavy use of double kick drum, like during the chorus of Lust of the Lost. Vocalists familiar with Asking Alexandria’s style of vocals, low growls and high singing, will find this singer eerily similar. The band makes rare use of the toms, with the only standout section being during The Show Must Go On Part 1. Otherwise, it’s all cymbals, snare, and kick.
For guitarists and bassists, some easier songs include Welcome to the Show and Victim of the Virtuoso, because of its slower pacing. Drummers will find The show Must Go On Part 2, easier because of the slower pacing. Challenging songs on guitar include Legends and Legacies because of it’s quick string changes during the verse and chorus. Bassists will have a hard time deciphering when the bassline is different to the rhythm guitar. Vocalists will find the changing of screams difficult during the breakdown of Voices, alternating between highs and lows for just a few words.