Hear the Wisconsin poet laureate

Karla Huston, Wisconsin’s 2017-18 Poet Laureate, will present some of her work on Thurs., Apr. 5th, at 5 p.m. in Laurentide in the 3rd-floor “living room area.” It’s a celebration of Poetry Month! There will be some refreshments (RSVP to kokana@uww.edu encouraged but not required) and a display of poems of place and identity by UWW international students and Washington Elementary School fourth graders, and some of the international students will read their work also.

You can celebrate National Poetry Month in other ways as well! Go to the official web site to participate in Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day (April 26), go to poets.org to sign up for a poem a day, and more.

cover of Body Electric booksAndersen Library offers many books of poetry that you can enjoy, such as Of poetry & protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin (3rd-Floor Main Collection, PS591.N4 O33 2016), Darkened rooms of summer: New and selected poems (online via ProQuest Ebook Central), The body electric: America’s best poetry from the American Poetry Review (3rd-Floor Main Collection, PS586 .B54 2000), and many others.

Please ask a librarian (choose chat or email, phone 262-472-1032, or visit the Reference Desk) if you’d like assistance with finding materials.

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 3, 2018

Darkness Visible book cover

Darkness Visible:
Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials
by Nicholas Tucker
PR6066.U44 Z89 2017
New Arrivals Island, 2nd floor

This new edition of Darkness Visible* was released in anticipation of Pullman’s Dust trilogy. The first volume of that new series, La Belle Sauvage, was released last October. It should also pique interest in the forthcoming His Dark Materials BBC television adaption project that was recently mentioned in a Bad Wolf Twitter post.

So what’s it about? This engrossing and easy to read book provides us with information that would be of interest to readers of both the His Dark Materials and Dust series. It starts out with a biography of Pullman that intertwines his life with his characters. It progresses to provide an overview of the His Dark Materials young adult novels and their main characters. Next, Tucker discusses the themes of science and religion, and then moves on to discuss Pullman’s influences and offers comparisons to other works. There is even a chapter on Pullman’s philosophy and a short interview with him at the end. I think this book provides a nice bridge between the old and the new series, which I’ll have to start reading soon. I’ve read that Dust is neither a prequel nor a sequel, but it is the same universe and has at least one of the same characters. Oh, and the Dust.

*newly retitled, second, revised edition of Darkness Visible: Inside the World of Philip Pullman (AKA Inside the World of Philip Pullman: Darkness Visible)

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Creativity on Display in March!

This week, the Andersen Library hosted two events that encouraged students to express themselves creatively in a fun and relaxing environment. With the end of midterms in sight and spring break just around the corner, the Andersen Library gave students a well-deserved break from their studies while offering a preview of the upcoming relaxation of spring break.

Primetime Poetry was held on Tuesday, March 20, allowing students to engage in spoken word, either with their own poetry or with poems written by others. Through a partnership with UW-W’s Poetry Club and TIFU Cultural Ensemble, the Andersen Library was able to bring this event to life, emboldening students to let their voices be heard. Some chose to watch instead of perform, forming a supportive and encouraging audience, cheering their peers on as they fought against their comfort zones and shared their love for the art of poetry.

Primetime Performance Wall
Performer1 Performer2
Primeitme Family
Primetime_Wall Signed

Paint and Sip, held on Wednesday, March 21, fostered an environment where individuals could express themselves artistically, using paint and canvases. The Student Art Association collaborated with the Andersen Library for this event, leading students with tips and tricks for creating their masterpieces while allowing each students unique perspectives to shine through. With refreshments provided, individuals were able to make their inspirations come to life, while sipping on their favorite juices and fueling their creative fire with tasty snacks.

Paint&Sip Sign
Paint & Sip Overview
Paint & Sip Close-Up 1
Close-Up 2

The Andersen Library is always hosting new and exciting events. To know what’s coming up next, follow us on Instagram @uww_library, Twitter @UWW_Library, and like our Facebook Page: Andersen Library. Future event info can also be found at the Andersen Library’s webpage, under the ‘About Us’ tab. We look forward to seeing you at the Andersen Library!

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Library Displays: To Read is to Travel

To Read is to Travel Facefront

Traveling is an experience comparable to very few things in life. It allows for encounters with new people, appreciation of new cultures, and a level of wonderment that resounds in your bones. Yet, what if you could travel the world without the hassle of planning, packing, or even a passport, and- best of all- it is completely free? Well you can! In recognition of the April 1st study abroad application due date for the Fall 2018 semester, the Andersen Library has put together displays themed “To Read is to Travel”, encapsulating the wonder and excitement travel evokes.

Two of such displays live within the entrance way of the library–one of which holds information on travel study opportunities provided by the Global Experiences Office here on campus, while the other showcases travel guides and stories by authors that will elicit the adventurous side in anyone. Take the time to travel back to the “Big TV Area” within the library and find the third display, which holds a multitude of books that can take you to every corner of the Earth without having to leave your favorite reading nook, or inform you of everything you need to know about your next travel destination.

The world is waiting and adventure is around every corner here at the Anderson Library, so be sure to check out all three displays! Please don’t hesitate to ask the circulation desk for assistance if you should find a potential adventure that you can’t leave the library without.

To Read is to Travel Facefront
Global Experiences Display
Global Experience Display2
Main Entrance Display
Main Entrance Display2

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Spring Break 2018! Library, Café hours

SPRING BREAK! Mmmmm, can you feel the sun and hear the surf?
clip art of palm treeAndersen Library’s hours will be:

Sat-Sun Mar 24-25: CLOSED
Mon-Fri Mar 26-30: 8am-4:30pm
Sat Mar 31: CLOSED
Sun Apr 1: 3pm-2am

The Food for Thought café is open on Thurs Mar 22 for normal hours (8:30am-8pm), but then is closed until it resumes normal hours on Mon Apr 2. There are vending machines outside the Library, on the lower level. Break hours for other campus dining locations are posted online.

Remember that even when the Library is closed or you are traveling, you can:

  • Search article databases …just login when prompted with your campus Net-ID (same as for your campus email or D2L),
  • Search Andersen Library’s holdings of books, media and more (part of Research@UWW) and use links to the titles that are online, including links to ebooks,
  • Search Research@UWW for articles, books, and more all at one time–it’s best to login to get all possible results.
  • Renew your checked-out books, DVDs, etc., online through your Account,
  • Consult online guides for assistance, including citation guides for APA, MLA, and Turabian format, and class assignment guides, and
  • Ask a librarian for help using email or chat, or phone us at the Reference Desk (262-472-1032) during Spring Break Reference Desk hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm, Sunday March 27th 3-5 & 6-10pm).

Regular Spring Semester hours resume on Monday, April 2nd.

Enjoy the break safely, everybody. And don’t forget: You can get audio books or popular novels or feature films from Andersen Library to help enjoy your week off from classes!

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New Stuff Tuesday — March 20, 2018

The boy who loved too much book cover

The boy who loved too much: A true story of pathological friendliness
by Jennifer Latson

RJ506.W44 L37 2017
New Arrivals Island, 2nd floor

Read this for the endearing case of Eli, a boy with Williams syndrome. Caused by a tiny deletion of 26 specific genes, Williams results in an unusual combination of symptoms: “elfin” facial quirks, cardiac and cognitive abnormalities, usually strong verbal skills, abysmal math and spatial skills, and the aggressively gregarious personality alluded to in the title. In fact, people with Williams are so socially uninhibited that they were even found, in a 2010 scientific study, to be the only known group of people to show absolutely no bias or prejudice toward one’s own race (a preference that all normally-developing 3-year-olds have internalized). It’s both sweet and heartbreaking to read how Eli tries so desperately to connect with every random stranger or classmate he meets, yet he (at ages 12-14 or so, with his different abilities compounded by the typical hormones and volatility of adolescence) lacks the maturity and social awareness to be able to forge meaningful relationships with nearly anyone outside his immediate family.

Latson’s telling of his story – based on three years of intense observation and interviews with the family – is compassionate and fascinating. She balances between a focus on the day-to-day challenges of Eli and his devoted mother, Gayle, and a broader perspective on the disorder. She mentions both the historical context (literary characters, or Williams patients who may have found a place as court jesters/fools, or who may have been the basis for legends of elves and fairies in centuries past) and the challenges and support networks between other families affected by Williams. At the same time, Eli’s behavior brings into sharp focus Gayle’s struggles between independence and protection for him, between social connection and boundaries – a struggle that should strike a chord with parents of all teens and ‘tweens, as well as their teachers.

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Stuffed Animal Sleepover at the Library is Back!

It’s time for the 6th annual…

Stuffed Animal Sleepover!

UW-Whitewater students, staff, faculty and Children’s Center families accompanied by a child 6(ish) years of age or younger, are invited to join Andersen Library for the 6th annual Stuffed Animal Sleepover on Friday, April 6th. Child participants bring a stuffed animal friend to join them in a library dance party, story time, and craft activity. Their stuffed animals get to stay the night, explore the library, and perhaps even make a new friend. (Psst! Word has it there are dinosaurs roaming about the library after hours.) Children pick up their stuffed animal and a memento of their stuffed animal’s night-time adventures on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.

Note: Children need to be accompanied by an adult, but the library will provide chaperones for the stuffed animals’ overnight stay.

Please fill out this form to register: http://goo.gl/4WDQSJ 

When? Friday, April 6th

Session 1: 3.30-4.30 PM
Session 2: 4.30-5.30 PM
Where? Andersen Library, 2nd Floor

Want to know more? See our post from last year’s event. Have questions? Contact Ellen, the Education Librarian at 262-472-5525.poster for Stuffed Animal Sleepover

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Dr. Corey Davis talks about Fake News

Professor Corey Davis, Dept. of Communication, will talk about “’Fake News!’ Conjecture, Conspiracy and Consequences for American Democracy” at the next meeting of the League of Women Voters of the Whitewater Area (LWV) on Thurs., Mar. 15, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Whitewater’s Municipal Building (312 W Whitewater St). From the LWV’s March newsletter:

It has long been a truism that journalists are in the business of selling newspapers with the result that skeptical readers may underrate the seriousness of some headlines. The use of social media for communication, however, has altered the need for skepticism considerably. Whatever the standards for authentication of stories may have been in the age of paper journalism, there is now considerable reason to doubt whatever is coming in electronically without a well-defined source. One effect of this has been to make readers scoff at articles dealing with issues from a point of view with which they disagree. The ability of a candidate to be elected to the presidency of the United States while rejecting much of what passes for news in the mainstream media is a tribute to how far the unwillingness to believe what one does not wish to believe has gone. Readers may not always have accepted what they saw in black and white, but now they are encouraged to give little credence to what comes in on their computer screens.

Exposés and accusations of misbehavior are alleged to be ‘fake news’. Such allegations can take a toll of more than just subscriptions to mainstream media. We know the benefits of a free press, if only from having seen what happens to political life in countries where the government controls the flow of information. Dismissing the information that is unflattering is one way to try to discourage the reading of whatever comes in via a variety of media.

Professor Davis will be examining how this culture of rejecting that with which one disagrees came about and what kind of political future is in store for a country where the most common adjective in front of ‘news’ is no longer ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but ‘fake’.

Also see an online library guide on Fake News by Diana Shull, Andersen Library’s Reference & Instructional Technology Librarian.

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New Stuff Tuesday – March 13, 2018

Bees: A Honeyed History

Bees: A Honeyed History
by Piotr Socha; text by Wojciech Grajkowski
E Soc
Curriculum Collection, Easy Books, 2nd floor

Don’t let the stunned bee expressions mislead; this oversized picture book provides scientifically sound descriptions of beehavior supported by engaging scientific illustration in Socha’s whimsical style. Two-page spreads each illustrate an aspect of humans’ relationship with bees, from Apis’ appearance in cave paintings in Southern Spain, to beekeeping, to the transportation of bees by truck to California almond groves.

If this title delights, then Katie Scott’s scientific illustrations in Botanicum and Animalium are also sure to please.

Find more children’s books to support literacy and science education in the Andersen Library’s Curriculum Collection. Start with those that are recognized by the National Science Teachers Association as Outstanding Science Trade Books. These titles are regularly added to the Curriculum Collection. Learn more about how to find these and more award books on our shelves using our Children’s and Young Adult Literature/Award Books LibGuide.


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T3: Kumo Cloud Storage Service

Google Drive Logo

Kumo is now available on PCs in all general access labs, including the Library. Kumo is a tool that simplifies access to the cloud storage service Google Drive. With Kumo enabled, your Google Drive will show up as the M: drive on the workstation, allowing you to save and open files just like you can with your other mapped drives.

Link Google Drive to your Kumo account. This is done by logging in and setting preferences in
Kumo, using the following steps:
1. Go to kumo.uww.edu and select Log In.
2. Select the arrow to the right of the Google Drive icon to expand the panel. Select
Authorize to access your Google Drive account via Kumo.
3. To allow UW-Whitewater to view and manage the files in your Google Drive, select Allow.
4. You will then be returned to the Set Preferences page. A checkmark will now appear
next to Google Drive. This indicates you have successfully linked Google Drive with your
Kumo account.
5. The next time you login to your computer you should see a small notification in the
bottom right corner of your screen that your Google Drive is connecting.

For more detailed instructions please use the PDF or FAQs provided by ICIT.

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