Mini-Money Smart: Financial Literacy Starts Early (Update!)

Andersen Library is hosting virtual Mini-Money Smart Storytimes! Watch this blog for updates, or sign up Here and we’ll send you a link to the videos when they premiere:

Episode 1, Bunnies and Money, premieres on Friday, April 16th at 10AM. Watch now!

Episode 2, Sheep in Shops, premieres on Friday, April 23rd at 10AM. Watch now!

Stop by Andersen Library Curriculum Collection on 2nd floor from April 16 to April 30th to pick up a grab-and-go kit for the activities demonstrated in the program AND a free book! You may reserve a kit to pick up at Andersen or Lenox Library at Rock campus using this form or simply drop in. Kits are available while supplies last.

Are you looking for lesson plans for Pre-K through grade 12? The FDIC’s Money Smart for Young People series consists of four free curriculum products. Each age-appropriate curriculum includes lesson plans for educators along with guides for parents and caregivers.

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Andersen Library Spring Break Hours 2021

Andersen Library Spring Break hours begin on Sat., Apr. 17:

  • Mon-Fri: 8am-4:30pm
  • Sat.-Sun.* Closed
  • *Sun Apr. 25: 3pm-midnight

Normal Spring Semester hours will resume on Mon., Apr. 26.
(Note: Food for Thought Cafe remains closed for Spring 2021.)

*Please remember that even when the physical Library is closed, or you are remote, you can:

  • Search the article databases (login when prompted with your campus Net-ID, same as for your campus email or Canvas) or Research@UWW (sign in to access all possible full text) and access online article text or submit ILLiad interlibrary loan requests for articles not available via UW-Whitewater’s libraries,
  • Search library holdings of Books, Media and more and use links to online titles,
  • Renew checked-out books, government documents, etc. through My Account (unless you’ve already used up your allowed renewals),
  • Consult online guides for help, including citation guides for APA, MLA, and Turabian format, and class/assignment guides, and
  • Ask a librarian for help using email or chat (UW-Whitewater librarians respond to the emails when the Library is open, but chat is covered 24/7 by non-local staff). You also can choose to make an appointment with a UW-Whitewater librarian, which can take place in person, over the phone, or online by Webex.
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The Big Read is for Little Readers, Too (Updated!)

Our storytime will be live through May 14, 2021. Enjoy!

Original post:

In addition to hosting the Student Book Club for the 2021 Big Read of Kao Kalia Yang’s The Latehomecomer, UW-Whitewater Curriculum Collection will present a virtual storytime for children of the UW-Whitewater community.

The official Big Read selection for children is A Map into the World. Young Auditorium will host author Kao Kalia Yang for a live, virtual reading of her children’s book on April 9th at 5PM. Register for Free Access (ended)Join the UW-W Curriculum Collection tie-in storytime featuring the bilingual Hmong-English picture book Ka’s Garden = Kab Lub Vaj, written in English by Maggie Lee McHugh, in Hmong by Dr. Bee Lo, and illustrated by Vong Lao, on Wednesday, April 14 at 10AM. This will premiere right here on this blog as well as Library’s Facebook page, and will remain available online for the month of April.

Two Grab-and-Go Activity Kits for Children, with connections to both books will be available in Andersen Library for pickup starting on Friday, April 9, and available until Friday, April 16 or until they run out. If you would like to reserve a kit, sign up HERE!

“NEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest.”
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Free Books & More – The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir

Big Read NEA logo
Poster for the Big Read books: The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir and A Map into the World

As part of the NEA Big Read activities on the UW-Whitewater campuses, both libraries are giving away free copies of The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir. The books are first-come-first-serve and will not be held. The books are on tables near each libraries’ entrance, along with other promotional materials for free online events sponsored by the Young Auditorium, recipient of the grant.

You may also be interested in our drawing for a free copy of the book A Map into the World by Kao Kalia Yang and a blue t-shirt with the poster graphic (seen on this page) in a sturdy Big Read canvas bag. All of this was supplied to us by the Young Auditorium. The winner must be able to pick these items up in the Andersen or Lenox Library; they will not be sent. Use this online form to enter between today and the end of the day Sunday, April 11, 2021.

There are other goodies on the table, including free coloring pages and bookmarks, and information about this year’s Little Big Read (See March 29, 2021 blog post).

  • Two Grab-and-Go activity kits for children can be picked up April 9-16. 2021. Try your luck or Reserve a kit HERE!

To read more about online events sponsored by the Young Auditorium go to their Big Read blog. Be sure to note that there are two events with the author this Friday, April 9, 2021.

  • A live, virtual conversation with award-winning Hmong-American author Kao Kalia Yang. The author of this year’s Big Read selection, The Latehomecomer, Yang will discuss her insights into the deeply personal subject matter while discussing her inspiration for her 2008 novel. Register For FREE Access to the 7 pm author conversation here.
  • A live, virtual conversation with award-winning Hmong-American author Kao Kalia Yang. The author of this year’s Big Read selection as well as Children’s book A Map into the World. Yang will read her children’s book and answer questions from viewers. Register for FREE Access  to the 5 pm book reading and Q&A here
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From the Desk of Chancellor Watson: The Prophets: A Novel by Robert Jones, Jr.

book cover of The Prophets by Robert Jones, Jr.

The Prophets: a Novel by Robert Jones, Jr.

One in a series of reviews contributed by Chancellor Dwight C. Watson

As I read the description of this book in the Gay and Lesbian Review, I was taken by the fact that Robert Jones, Jr. was a Black, queer author who was compared to a modern-day James Baldwin.  I immediately asked the UW-Whitewater Library to order the book and put it on reserve for me.  I anxiously started reading the book and was mesmerized by the writing and spellbound by the ghostly, ghastly, passionate tales. In The Prophets, he has crafted a new kind of epic of queer love set against a brutal historical backdrop. The Prophets sets a tender queer romance on a harrowing plantation stage while tracking the action in lyrical, sensual detail.  Samuel and Isaiah are two Black teens that live in the antebellum South as slaves skirting the numbing terrors of their masters (Paul, Ruth, James, Timothy) and navigating the nuances of their community (Maggie, Amos, Essie, Bea Auntie, Puah, Sarah). They fall in love. They bring each other joy and comfort. And their bond ripples through the lives posed around them. 

The depiction of slavery makes for, at times, an excruciating read – his focus on abuse is unyielding. He writes about atrocities across humility and humanity as captured in the following passage:

To survive in this place, you have to want to die.  That was the way of the world as remade by toubab [White folk], and Samuel’s list of grievances was long. They pushed people into the mud and then called them filthy.  They forbade people from accessing any knowledge of the world and then called them ignorant. They worked people until their empty hands were twisted, bleeding, and could do more, then called them lazy. They forced to people to eat innards from troughs and then called them uncivilized. They kidnapped babies and shattered families and then called them incapable of love. They raped and lynched and cut up people into parts, and then called the pieces savage. They stepped on people’s throats with all their might and asked why the people couldn’t breathe.  And then, when people made an attempt to break the foot, or cut it off, they screamed CHAOS and claim that mass murder was the only way to restore order.

The Prophets’ dreamy realism pays tribute to the work of Tony Morrison with a penetrating focus toward social dynamics. It is a Black story and a gay story – one that reaches wide and far in its interrogation of trauma, connection, and coexistence. Some of the chapters carried the names of the books in the Bible, such as Judges, Proverbs, and Psalms, while others captured the depth of the characters who paraded the narrative in the chapters for which they were named; but the chapters that were the most haunting were those recounted with the magic realism of the African tribes in which the slaves were captured and the spiritual hauntings of the ancestors as the African became slaves in the new land. Some readers will find these chapters airy and distracting, but I found that these chapters were lyrical and cemented the story from the ancient to the past to the present.  Jones bring depth and feeling into the characters, especially his women characters.  One such capturing of the author’s skill is the depiction of Maggie, an older woman who works in the house and cares for Isaiah and Samuel since they have no family of their own:

With powdered hands, Maggie rubbed her sides, content with how her figure – not just her particular curves, but also how it never burned or turned red under a beaming sun – separated her from her captors. She loved herself when she could. She regretted nothing but her limp (not the limp itself, but how it came to be). The world tried to make her feel some other way, though. It had tried to make her bitter about herself. It had tried to turn her own thinking toward her. It had tried to make her gaze upon her reflection and judge what she saw as repulsive. She did none of these things. Instead she fancied her skin in the face of these cruelties. For she was the kind of black that made toubab [White] men drool and her own men coil. In her knowing, she glowed in the dark.

The author has embarked upon a difficult undertaking. He writes about same-sex love between enslaved people, attraction that undoubtedly existed but have so far been little explored by historians or fiction writers. It requires great deftness to place a gay couple in a time when the very word for their relationship had not yet been invented.

He was astounded by how obvious it was, by how easily it could be missed by those who weren’t curious enough to seek the answer right in front of them because the answer, even when revealed, remained unbelievable.

He had thought their kinship merely hazardous at first, never thinking it wise for any two people to be so close, not here anyway. It hadn’t occurred to him until the veil was lifted, and the world was clearer to him, what Samuel and Isaiah’s peculiar closeness meant.

In the absence of women, he understood the necessity of a hand or in a last-ditch effort begrudgingly and with falsehood intact, the uncleanliness of other men. But to not have a desire for women to begin with, to produce no physical response to them whatsoever, above all, to willingly choose a male to cradle you gently into sleep, even when women were as soft and abundant as cotton…  Nevertheless, by [carrying on as though] at least one of them was female, they threatened to only further diminish what Amos imagined was already diminished to death.

For Samuel and Isaiah to wear their sex this way—dewy, firm, trembling, free—even under the cloak of night, was folly. If they had cared at all for any others, they would have, at the very least masked their strangeness.  They were bodies. They were in bodies.  They just had no authority over theirs.

 “They don’t bother nobody round here.  Some of us ain’t got a lot of time no way. Might as well steal some kind of easy before the hard time comes.”

I don’t see The Prophets as merely a gay love story, but a challenge to slavery as the two lovers refused to multiply and give God the glory, and claimed authority over their own bodies.  I appreciate fully Samuel and Isaiah’s quest, ambition and imaginative richness. Jones created a world in which love spoke its name in the context of our greatest national shame — slavery.

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Orient (New Stuff Tuesday)

Orient book cover

Nicholas Gulig won the 2017 Open Book Poetry Competition for the poems in this book. In case his name sounds familiar it might be because you know him from campus. He is an Assistant Professor in the Languages & Literatures Department at UWW.

These really are a joy to read, so hope you are able to do so.

by Nicholas Gulig
New Arrivals, 2nd Floor
PS3607.U5453 O75 2018

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Prizes? Did someone say prizes?!

Amazon Fire TV stick image
Echo Dot with clock image

Win one of these top three prizes!

Oh yeah, and learn a little something along the way about how to be money smart as a college student.

Play our Money Smart Scavenger Hunt anytime during the month of April. Download Goosechase if you don’t already have it on your device, and join game code KKQXGE.

Walmart gift card image

At home this semester due to Covid? No problem — you can play from wherever you are, virtually or in-person.

You get entered in more prizes at the 50-point, 100-point, and 150-point levels. In addition to the top three prizes pictured here, we have over 15 more prizes to give out between the 50- and 100-point levels, include books, swag, and gift cards from local merchants like Walmart, Sweet Spot, Culver’s, Toppers, and more.

Thank you to all of our prize donors, especially UW Credit Union who sponsored the top three prizes!

poster for Money Smart Scavenger Hunt
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Second Renaissance in Native American Literature

In just two days Whitewater’s own professors Alexis Piper and Rossitza Ivanova will speak about Native American literature in their presentation From Early Orators to Today’s Second Renaissance in Native American Literature: Using Language to Re-Make, Resist, Uplift, and Empower.

From Early Oragors to Today's Second Renaissance in Native American Literature: Uswing Language to Re-make, Resist, Uplift, and Empower poster

Thursday, March 25,2021 from 5 to 6 pm CST

This event is sponsored by the Native American Cultural Awareness Association (NACAA) student organization at UW-Whitewater

NACAA Webex room

Here are few books from featured writers that the UW System libraries have:

  • American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Ša (1985) – Andersen Main Collection E99.Y25 Z57 1985 & Lenox Main Collection E98.F6 Z58 2003 
  • The Book of Medicines: Poems by Linda Hogan (1993) – Andersen Main Collection PS3558.O34726 B66 1993
  • From the Deep Woods to Civilization; Chapters in the Autobiography of an Indian by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) (1916) – Andersen Library Main Collection E90 .E14 E14 1923
  • Heart Berries: A Memoir by Terese Marie Mailhot (2018) – borrow with UW Request
  • Indian Heroes and Great Chieftans by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) (1918) – Andersen Library Main Collection E89 .E13
  • Old Indian Days by Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) (1991) – Lenox Library Main Collection PS3509.A748 O4 1991
  • The Removed, A Novel by Brandon Hobson (2021) – borrow with UW Request
  • Savings: Poems by Linda Hogan (1988) – Andersen Main Collection PS3558 .O34726 S28 1988 
  • Seeing Through the Sun by Linda Hogan (1985) – Andersen Main Collection PS3558 .O34726 S4 1985 
  • The Soul of the Indian: An Interpretation by Charles Alexander Eastman (Ohiyesa) (1980) –
  • Andersen Library Main Collection E98.R3 E15 1980
  • There There by Tommy Orange – borrow with UW Request
  • The Woman who Watches over the World: A Native Memoir by Linda Hogan (2001) – Lenox Main Collection  PS3558.O34726 Z47 2001
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Tiny Habits (New Stuff Tuesday)

Tiny Habits:The Small Changes That Change Everything book cover

B. J. Fogg researches human behavior at Stanford University and shares his method for creating lasting positive changes: starting small by breaking behaviors down into smaller parts and changing your environment to help set yourself up for success. This short, engaging book sets out easily followed steps from planning the changes to following through with your new habits.

If you want more information about the method, or want some social support and feedback on your tiny habits, there is a website with more information and ways to find support groups:

Tiny Habits:
The Small Changes That Change Everything

by B.J. Fogg
Browsing Collection, 2nd Floor
BF335 .F56 2020

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Credit Score speaker, March 30

Do you want to buy a house someday?

Nearer term, how about a nice car or renting your own place after graduation?

If so, then you should care about your credit score! Even if it seems to be a very fuzzy concept, that number can have a big impact on your life, from getting a car loan or an apartment lease, to getting approved for a credit card.

The good news is, you can take steps right now to help build yourself a good credit score. Budgeting is part of that, as well as just setting yourself up now with good credit-building habits. Learn how from our local on-campus expert, Emily Calhoun of the UW Credit Union.

Tuesday, March 30, at 5:30-6:30, via Webex. Join with the link here, or scan the QR code below.

poster advertising the event
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