Tag Archives: government info

Constitution & Citizenship Day

Fri., Sept. 17, is Constitution Day, anniversary of the day Constitutional Convention delegates signed the U.S. Constitution in 1787. Once ratified by the states, it established the federal government we know today. I’ll bet there’s a lot about this document … Continue reading

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Notable Government Documents 2009

Every year the best government publications (federal, state and international) are honored in Library Journal as the “notable government documents” of that year, and the 2009 list reflects the variety of topics on which the government publishes each year–history, government … Continue reading

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Recent potpourri of U.S. documents

People usually think publications from the U.S. Government are boring and unattractive. Not so (not always, anyway)! Here are some recent arrivals you might find very informative and possibly even enjoyable. All are available in Andersen Library’s 2nd-floor U.S. Documents … Continue reading

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Tornado Preparedness

It’s peak season (May-August) for occasional tornadoes. Be prepared! Know the difference between a watch and a warning: A Tornado Watch or Severe Weather Watch means a tornado may develop. Be alert and be prepared to take action if the … Continue reading

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Ah, birds singing of spring

Isn’t it lovely when the birdies sing of spring in the morning? You should listen! Turn off the cacophony of your phone, radio, TV, etc.! Now sit back, close your eyes, and just….listen. Try to filter out noise like cars. … Continue reading

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Daylight Savings

Daylight Savings Time goes into effect on Sunday March 14th. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour, or you’ll miss the first hour the Library is open that day! More information is available from the Time and Frequency … Continue reading

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Test & improve financial literacy

How’s your financial IQ? According to the executive summary of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation‘s 2009 report “Financial Capability in the United States,” respondents to a national survey demonstrated a low level of financial literacy. Here are couple of places … Continue reading

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Were you awake for the quake on Wednesday morning? Have you been following the news about the ongoing recovery from the January 12th earthquake (and its aftershocks) in Haiti? Are you interested in learning more about earthquakes? Andersen Library has … Continue reading

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Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week, November 15-21, 2009, is upon us and has the theme of exploring the world through mapping. How are you celebrating? If nothing else, “test your geography smarts” online with one of these challenges: GeoBee Challenge (new quiz … Continue reading

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Quasars, Black Holes & Galaxies talk Nov. 20

Dr. Marsha Wolf, UW-Madison Astronomy Dept. research scientist, will talk about “Quasars, Black Holes and Galaxies: Which Came First?” (UWW Physics Dept.’s 4th Fall 2009 Whitewater Observatory Public Lecture) on Fri., Nov. 20, 8pm, 141 Upham Hall. Public viewing at … Continue reading

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