Tag Archives: government info

Coral Reef & Ocean Educational Materials

Teachers, student teachers, and others with the desire & opportunity to educate youth groups: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued two discs of resources for educators on coral reefs and and other ocean topics. Both contain lesson … Continue reading

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Earlier this week two government studies indicating increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in children in the U.S. were in the news, including “Autism is more widespread, U.S. studies show, but why?” in USA Today. The first study, “Prevalence of … Continue reading

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Nat’l Alcohol Awareness Week @UWW

UWW will observe National Alcohol Awareness Week with several events: Mon., Oct. 5, 6:45 pm: The “Day of Dialogue” program will include stories from students, faculty & staff about alcohol and other drug experiences. Thomas Farley, brother of the late … Continue reading

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Int’l Day of Older Persons (Oct.1)

The 10th annual International Day of Older Persons, a United Nations-sponsored observation, is Oct. 1, 2009. Each year has a theme, which in 2009 is “Towards a Society for All Ages.” Why is this important? The introduction to the Vienna … Continue reading

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Distracted Driving Summit, Resources

Watch the Distracted Driving Summit live webcast Sept. 30 (7:30am-4pm)-Oct. 1 (6:30am-12:15pm). The archived summit will be available for a year. The agenda is online as well. If you are interested in researching driver distraction, Andersen Library has materials. A … Continue reading

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John F. Kennedy & Warren Commission

On Sept. 24, 1964, the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (aka the Warren Commission) delivered its report on John F. Kennedy‘s assassination to President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX, on November 22, … Continue reading

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Peace Corps anniversary

In September 1961, Congress passed Public Law 87-293 authorizing the Peace Corps. It was signed into law by then-president John F. Kennedy on September 22nd, although prior to this Congressional authorization he had established the Corps by Executive Order 10924 … Continue reading

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Remembering 9/11

Sept. 11 is a National Day of Service and Remembrance, as authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (Public Law 111-13). I remember the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 very well. I was working at the Reference Desk … Continue reading

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Smithsonian Institution anniversary

On August 10, 1846, President James Polk signed legislation that created the Smithsonian Institution. It all started in 1826 when James Smithson, a British scientist, named his nephew as his beneficiary, but stipulated that if the nephew died without heirs … Continue reading

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Dillinger d. July 22, 1934

John Dillinger was killed as he left Chicago’s Biograph Theatre after attending the gangster film Manhattan Melodrama on this date (July 22nd) in 1934. You may have seen the currently-playing film Public Enemies starring Johnny Depp (I did!), which was … Continue reading

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