Category Archives: around the world

Lady Gaga + Librarians = Magic

I haven’t posted any Friday fun posts in a while, but I don’t think this can wait that long. As Ronna passed it along, “it begs to be shared.” It’s making the rounds of the internets, and it’s pretty awesome. … Continue reading

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18 Things You Did Not Have a Decade Ago

Next week is June already, which means 2010 is almost halfway over! Do you remember what you were doing in the summer of  2000, ten years ago? Whatever it was, you were not able to enjoy the items on this … Continue reading

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Texas re-writing American History?

Texas publishes many of the school textbooks for schools around the U.S. This week, the fifteen-member Texas school board has decided to re-write some of American history as we have known it. The board is taking a more right-wing conservative … Continue reading

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RU able to unplug?

I recently read an article in my daily newspaper about the International Center for Media and the Public Agenda asking 200 University of Maryland, College Park students to give up cell phones, iPods, TV, radio, computers, and even magazines and … Continue reading

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Front pages around the world

The Newseum in Washington D.C. provides a clickable map to “Today’s Front Pages” from newspapers around the world. Hundreds of newspapers send their front pages to the museum daily for this virtual exhibit.

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Climate Change Reading List

The May-June 2010 issue of Audubon, magazine of the National Audubon Society, included a list of titles recommended by “some of the leading thinkers and writers on climate change.” So after spring classes are over, you might want to look … Continue reading

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Remember Kent State

“4 Kent State Students Killed by Troops.” That was the headline on the front page of the New York Times on May 5, 1970. The shootings occurred on May 4—forty years ago today. Two of the students were women, two … Continue reading

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Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock died on April 29th in 1980. He was and is, of course, famous for his scary movies. I still remember that as a young child I was absolutely terrified that birds were going to attack my eyes. Well, … Continue reading

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Free Comic Book Day: Saturday, May 1

Looking for a break from all your papers and tests? Want something fun to read? You’re in luck! Saturday, May 1 is Free Comic Book Day! Just walk into any participating comic book store and pick yourself up a free … Continue reading

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Economic Data for Free? Yes, Please.

I confess. I’m a sucker for free stuff. More specifically, I like finding credible, well-respected information freely available online. So when the World Bank announced that they were opening up their statistical resources for free, you can imagine that I’m … Continue reading

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