Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

New Stuff Tuesday – May 27

Major: A Black Athlete, A White Era, and the Fight To Be the World’s Fastest Human Being by Todd Balf GV1051 .T3 B35 2008 New Book Island, 2nd floor Ahh, the first day of classes for the summer. Some of … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 20

The Transgender Phenomenon: by Richard Ekins & Dave King HQ77.9 .E55 2006 New Book Island, 2nd floor After attending the UW System LGBT Conference in Green Bay last month, I came away with lots of think about. I also realized … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 13

Who’s Your City: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life by Richard Florida GF21 .F56 2008 New Book Island, 2nd floor Leave it to a guy with the last name Florida … Continue reading

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We’re on the Airwaves!

If you listen to the WSUW, you may have heard an advertisement unlike any other. That’s right, the University Library has their own sixty-second spot. The ad highlights just some of the reasons for visiting us here in the Library. … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 6

So apparently, I’ve been slacking on my responsibilities to the blog, namely New Stuff Tuesday. I missed the past two Tuesdays, and I hope to not repeat that. To make up for it, I have some really big news this … Continue reading

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We’ve Still Got Books For Sale!

Thought you missed the book sale? Well, technically, you did. But there’s still plenty of books out in the lobby for the picking. Prices have been slashed and you can even fill up a bag and take it all for … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 15

Campus CEO: The Student Entrepreneur’s Guide to Launching a Multimillion-Dollar Business by Randal Pinkett HD62.5 .P556 2007 New Book Island, 2nd floor This week’s featured book should appeal to anyone that wants to make money, and lots of it, by … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 8

Pancake Mountain: Episodes 1-8 DVDs 1-4 Center PN1992.77 .P3 P34 New Book Island, 2nd floor I know, you’ve been anxiously waiting for New Stuff Tuesday… When I browse the shelves each week looking for titles to feature, I always take … Continue reading

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Researching Employers

Anything you read about careers, interviewing and landing that first job (or any job for that matter) says that you need to prepare, prepare, prepare. Well, what do you have to do to prepare? If you answered ‘I don’t know’ … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 1

Meals to Come: A History of the Future of Food by Warren Belasco TX353 .B455 2006 New Book Island, 2nd floor As the world population continues to climb towards seven billion people, one has to wonder, “Will we have enough … Continue reading

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