Month: March 2021

Alternatives for Your Home Cleaning Products

Alternatives for Your Home Cleaning Products

It may not surprise you that most likely the home cleaning products that are in each of our houses are not eco-friendly. All the plastic, chemicals, and artificial components of the cleaners.

Brands to Follow for Inspiration and Information

Brands to Follow for Inspiration and Information

Following other people who are in their journey to sustainability can be very inspiring. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about a few brands that I have enjoyed following and learning from. Some people can be kind of intense about how sustainable they are 

How To Slowly Change Habits

How To Slowly Change Habits

This blog will hopefully be a good resource for those not sure how to start their journey to going green. Sustainability is one area though where slow and steady wins the race. 

  1. Like I mentioned in the previous blog entry, be mindful to use all of your existing products. You are not going to do any good by throwing out perfectly fine and full products. Use them up and then find a sustainable alternative when it comes time to replace the product.
  2. Definitely support small local businesses when you can but if they don’t have good options for what you need, start buying sustainable alternatives at large stores. The more that people purchase the sustainable options at Target, Walmart, or any other large store, the more those corporations will start to realize that they should carry more alternative products and maybe even take more responsibility for their own environmental impact.
  3. Invest in quality versus quantity. For example, it can be fun to own a lot of clothing, shoes, etc. but being careful to cut back on consumption is a major part of sustainability. While it can be expensive to invest in alternatives for clothing and shoes, those products will generally last WAY longer than a cheap outfit from H&M or another fast-fashion store. The idea of investing in quality versus quantity can really be applied to most areas of shopping and is really important when talking about this subject.

I hope that these are some good first steps and insights for your journey. Next week the blog will cover different organizations and businesses to follow for a deeper insight on the topic of sustainability. Thanks for reading this week’s entry!

Dos and Don’ts of Sustainability

Dos and Don’ts of Sustainability

This week, we’re going to discuss the dos and don’ts when starting to think and buy more sustainably. I hope this creates an easy first step resource for people that desire to take the next step in going green. DON’T THROW EVERYTHING AWAY RIGHT AWAY: