Working in Sports
This week was a pretty hectic week for me, considering I had a lot of school work I needed to catch up on, in addition to working two hockey games for my current internship. This blog post is going to interrupt the normality of my baseball articles, but can tie in how I got so interested in the overall atmosphere of sports and wanting to make a career out of it.
I have been an intern for the Janesville Jets (NAHL) team since January of this year. I am tasked with a multitude of different things, ranging from exercising my skills in graphic design, to reaching out to different community members to promote themed nights at the arena, to my personal favorite: running social media platforms.
Most of my time now at the internship is making sure their Snapchat page (@janesvillejets1 add it) is updated with the latest goals, exciting plays and whatever else I think is interesting and happening at the game. It is pretty fun getting to walk around the rink and document the things going on and I have grasped a pretty good comprehension as to what it takes to run a social media account for a sports team.

Above is an image I took from the second half of the 2018-2019 season. This particular game was one of their themed nights. More specifically, it was the night to benefit the American Cancer Society. Nights like these are spent rapidly going around the arena capturing the crowd’s reaction and special moments like this. Using social media (and specifically Snapchat) to showcase the game to those who can’t make it, allows me to grasp an upper-hand to practice how to more professionally run a social media account for an organization.
Starting this internship last semester has allowed me to clearly see that I want to work in sports. I like being immersed in the sports world and interacting with community members that come out and support local teams like the Jets, and running social media channels to spread the word about the game/what is going on during it.