The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on February 12th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

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A slightly blurry shot of students hanging an electric. It’s sidearm madness.

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Students in the shop working on the fridge and routering trim.

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Student designer Keenan Minogue laying down his base color.

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And finally, student Shakeva Oliver works with me on painting the two garden flats, which will be visible at times through the upstage windows.

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production on February 9th, 2013 by Eric Appleton


Our Technical Director, Steve Chene, pauses to change the grinder blade as he removes the back of the refrigerator.

Graphics Seminar

Posted in Drawings on February 4th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

coronation of poppea parts 3

Further progress on demo bits for the Graphics Seminar Sketch project. Applying textures, mapped out the laurel leaf piece, the red silk legs. . .

Graphics Seminar

Posted in Drawings on February 1st, 2013 by Eric Appleton

coronation of poppea parts

Working up the end result models for a project in the Graphics Seminar. This will be eventually inserted into the model of the Barnett Theatre. The students in the seminar will be given the plans and photos of last year’s “The Coronation of Poppea” and be instructed to model it using Sketchup. I chose this set because it’s pretty geometric, with much of the complexity being in the details — easy enough not to scare them, but complex enough they’ll have some puzzle solving to do.

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Student Work on January 31st, 2013 by Eric Appleton

minogue 2

Student designer Keenan Minogue continues painting on his design fror “The Drowsy Chaperone.” The dragon will be cut out and mounted on another surface.

Young Auditorium

Posted in Drawings on January 31st, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Young Auditorium 1

Continuing with modelling the Young Auditorium. Now I need to go into the space and take some photos and double check some measurements. . .

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Student Work on January 31st, 2013 by Eric Appleton

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Student designer Keenan Minogue working on drops with other students for his design of “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

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Student Allison Hetz base painting walls.

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And more students laying out walls in the shop.

Young Auditorium

Posted in Drawings on January 30th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Young Auditorium

And now, working up a model of the Young Auditorium, where we will be presenting “Our Town” later this semester. We are going fairly traditional with the production and fully acknowledging the space. This model is primarily to help the student lighting designer better visualize placement of items and assist in his own rendering and modeling efforts.

2013 KCACTF Conference in Saginaw, MI

Posted in Student Work on January 30th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

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Design displays of two Whitewater students, Claire Kinder and Tiffany Tresemer, who both were named finalists in the make-up design division. They both received honorable mention (second place). And kudos as well to Tracey Lyons, who teaches our make-up class.

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This is picture of virtually the whole Whitewater contingent in the elevator after it was announced that Marcus Cunningham was a finalist in the Irene Ryan acting competition. Marcus was the very first Whitewater student to ever make the finals. He’s over on the right hand side in a tie facing away from the camera…

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And finally, a group of the students getting ready to watch the ten-minute plays, in which a number of our students were cast. One of the best things about this year’s group was how they supported each other throughout, regardless of whether their own efforts moved up the ladder.

Barnett Theatre

Posted in Drawings on January 29th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

Barnett Stage Deck 2

Sketchup Rendering of the Barnett Theatre that I am working on. It will be used for the Graphics Seminar — the students will be using Sketchup to create a model of our previous production of “The Coronation of Poppea” and placing it in this stagehouse.