Archive for the 'Scenic Painting' Category

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on February 21st, 2013 by Eric Appleton


Today’s paint project, the second city flat. It’s almost done (and all those fire escapes just about killed me). Tomorrow, we begin tech rehearsals!

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on February 19th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

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Continuing with the city flats. Here they are at the beginning of shop today. . .

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. . . and here is the first one, done. Of course, the second one will be harder, what with all the fire escapes. The student designer, Keenan Minogue, tells me that these are manupulated versions of pictures he took on a trip to New York a few years ago.

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Also continuing focus. That’s student designer Lexie Strullmyer at the foot of the ladder as student electrician Mitchell Van Dyke climbs down.

The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on February 15th, 2013 by Eric Appleton


Tech director Steve Chene happy with his work, as he and the students start putting up walls this afternoon.


Later in the afternoon, with more walls up. Focus begins tomorrow.


Student Kelsy Smith cuts out windows.


Student scenic designer Keenan Minogue works on the drinks cart.


My paint project this week. These are the two garden flats that appear beyond windows upstage. When these are done, there are two city flats which also appear beyond the windows. They are currently sitting in the black box theatre, traced out, waiting for me to get to them.


The Drowsy Chaperone

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on February 12th, 2013 by Eric Appleton

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A slightly blurry shot of students hanging an electric. It’s sidearm madness.

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Students in the shop working on the fridge and routering trim.

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Student designer Keenan Minogue laying down his base color.

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And finally, student Shakeva Oliver works with me on painting the two garden flats, which will be visible at times through the upstage windows.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on December 1st, 2012 by Eric Appleton

Now that the show is up, I’ve been trying to catch up with grading and meetings.  I finally made it back down to the theatre this afternoon after student KCACTF project reviews (in preparation for the upcoming conference) to take a few pictures of the finished set.








  A final note:   We will be striking the set Saturday night, moving it into the Barnett theatre until we learn from the KCACTF folks if it has been selected to travel to the conference in January.  If not, we get to dismantle it.  If yes, we have to find out what type of space they will put us into (proscenium, arena. . .?) and adjust accordingly.   Then we have to get rolling on “The Drowsy Chaperone,” the scenery of which is being designed by student Keenan Minogue.





Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on November 27th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







The final stretch.  Three more of the botanical prints, in various stages of completion.  The one in the middle will become acorns.







Another one of the prints, finished.  That’s technical director Steve Chene, coming to get it and put it onto the set.







The stones for the pond, done.  That’s student Chris James (also in the show) standing off to the side.  He’s about to pour water into the pond.








The set under worklights, as we wait for final dress to begin.  Is it done?  Not quite — two more prints to finish, a bit more stone work on the benches, and all the pipes need to go brown.  Am I happy that we are behind?  No.










During final dress.  Costume design by Tracey Lyons.  Lighting design by Steve Chene.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on November 21st, 2012 by Eric Appleton







During rehearsal last night.  It’s at points like this, when we’re a bit behind, that I miss the students who decided to go ahead and graduate on time rather than stick around a few more years and continue developing their painting skills.  I’m talking about you, Candace.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on November 21st, 2012 by Eric Appleton







All the prints I have so far painted in the air.  There are about eight more to go.  Today, however, is about carving rocks. 







Some of the students covering the rocks with muslin and glue.







The rocks, drying.







And finally, the stone benches getting their stone treatment.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on November 20th, 2012 by Eric Appleton












Two of today’s botanical print frenzy.







And they start going up into the air.   Fun note:  the students didn’t bother to glue together the beam foam before they started carving the rocks on Friday, which was not discovered until today.  So today, the foam is being glued, and tomorrow, I get to put aside my paint brushes and carve like the wind.  Excitement.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on November 16th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







The set for “Love’s Labour’s Lost” progresses.  The benches are built, but yet to get their stonework.  The piles of bead foam have been placed to work out the sizes of the stones to be carved.  The upstage pipes are in place.












Two of the botanical prints I worked on today.







And finally, students carving foam stones.  Though I had to go over and show them that whittling the whole thing down with a rasp was not the most efficient method. . .