Archive for the 'General Production' Category


Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on October 25th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







Getting set up for tech last night.  Yes, still a fair amount to be done, primarily finishing all the tile painting on the columns and painting the throne (not pictured), and the join between the green and central arches is awkward and will be covered by an additional ‘onion’.  But it all looks suspiciously like the rendering. . .









Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on October 19th, 2012 by Eric Appleton








This afternoon’s paint work — the other upstage masking flat for “Aladdin.”  Here it is with the bulk of the color laid in.  The interestingly shaped plywood leaning in the back are the beginning pieces for the throne.








And here is it at the end of the afternoon, finished.








And the Intro to Theatre students continue covering the arches with cheesecloth.  Tomorrow they’ll get primed white.




Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on October 18th, 2012 by Eric Appleton








Paint work from yesterday.  These are two completed masking flats for the upcoming production of “Aladdin.”  These two flats will be picked up and moved center for the street scenes.  That’s  one of our students off to the side speaking with TD Steve Chene about how they will fix the right hand flat, which was built more rhomboid than square.  The blue pillar will get a diagonally sloping tile pattern.








A pause during today’s paint work.  About halfway through laying in the colors.








In the shop.  Student in the Intro to Theatre class are covering the arches with cheesecloth preparatory to painting.








End of day.  Almost finished with this folding masking flat for offstage right.  A little more line work, some shading on the trees, and then tomorrow it’s onto the final masking flat for stage left.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on October 7th, 2012 by Eric Appleton














The stage of “Spirits to Enforce” fully set up for the second tech rehearsal.  Scenic design by student Keenan Minogue, directed by Angela Iannone.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on October 4th, 2012 by Eric Appleton








The set for “Spirits to Enforce” progresses.  By the end of the afternoon, student scenic designer Keenan Minogue will have dealt with his floor treatment and be ready for first tech, this evening.  Standing on stage at the table is student lighting designer Lexie Strullmyer, cutting gel for some of the set mounts.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on October 3rd, 2012 by Eric Appleton








Heading into dry tech.  Student lighting designer Lexie Strullmyer, writing cues from the tech table in the back of the house somewhere.  Actors from the show onstage as bodies.  Student scenic designer Keenan Minogue upcenter painting the center shelving structure.  Barely visible above is the partially completed conning tower.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on October 2nd, 2012 by Eric Appleton











Start of the shop day.  Back of the set, and the front of the set — so far.  That’s student scenic designer Keenan Minogue walking across the stage in the lower photo.  Tech begins this week!

Spirits to Enforce and Aladdin

Posted in General Production, Student Work on September 28th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







Construction on “Spirits to Enforce” continues.  The rusted sheathing and I-Beam ribs are up.  The students on the ladders are working on the conning tower.  Scenic design by student Keenan Minogue.  Tech Director, Steve Chene.







Students in the costume shop working on costume for Aladdin, designed by student Julia Boarini.  Costume Shop Supervisor, Tracey Lyons.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on September 27th, 2012 by Eric Appleton

















Progress on the set of “Spirits to Enforce.”  Set design by student Keenan Minogue.  Steve Chene, tech director.  The white screen is not part of the set, but since Steve uses it for his World of the Arts and Theatre Appreciation classes, it needs to come and go.

Spirits to Enforce

Posted in General Production, Student Work on September 26th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







In the scene shop.  Student scenic designer Keenan Minogue painting the rusty ribs of the submarine for “Spirits to Enforce.”