Archive for the 'General Production' Category

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 18th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Some photos from yesterday’s shop session, as we continued working on the UW-Whitewater’s upcoming production of “Clybourne Park.” The set was designed by guest artist Keith Pitts. I’m just the painter on this one, though that’s still a chunk of time, and I’m supposed to be getting further along on my design for February’s “The Tender Land.”

In any event, the walls went up yesterday.

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 17th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Images from last Friday’s shop session, as we continue work on the UW-Whitewater’s production of “Clybourne Park.”

Since the light hang has commenced and troubleshooting and focus are immanent, here TA Joe teaches two of the Intro to Theatre students how to bring up channels on the light board.

Intro student Austin staples together the framing on a flat. This one had to be redone — it faces the front of the staircase, but there was a discrepancy on how many stairs were in the staircase, which meant the top angle was wrong.

While I’ve been painting faux hardwood onto the deck, we are applying ripped plywood planks to the upstage platforms. Once they are all down, I will add glazing to make them match.

The deck itself is closer to completion. I have to grain and glaze the border, which will happen this afternoon. Then we can seal it and call it done.

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 14th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Continued work on the UW Whitewater’s upcoming production of “Clybourne Park” (scenic design by guest artist Keith Pitts)! Here we have TA Thad looking at a drawing in order to get his fellow students started on building the piece!

The last of the major walls gets their green paint!

Some of TD Steve Chene’s drawings laying out for reference!

TA Joe works with Intro to Theatre students on hanging an upstage electric!

My project for the afternoon was finishing the graining of the downstage hardwood floor!

Here’s a close-up! Next stage; Glazing!

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 13th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

The light hang for UW Whitewater’s production of “Clybourn Park” began yesterday. Student Logan Bydalek is the lighting designer. Here are some Intro to Theatre students hanging lights. The first electric:

The 1A electric:

In the scene shop, the last of the wall flats have been primed and students begin applying base color. A note: when you come to shop in your nice clothes, you just might end up in a housedress with bags tied around your feet. . .

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 12th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

More construction photos from the upcoming UW-Whitewater production of “Clybourne Park.”

Here is Emily (an Intro to Theatre student), TA Allison, and one of the Theatre Appreciation students (whose name I cannot remember) laying out the border of the downstage floor area.

After they laid out the border, I went to work lining out the floor boards, as well as basing the border.

At the end of the day, all of the wall flats were covered and primed and stacked ready to get their base color. That will happen this afternoon.

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting on November 11th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Construction on the UW-Whitewater’s production of “Clybourne Park” continues.

Here we have Liliana cutting boards for flats, while Josiah base paints what will become baseboard and trim. They are both students in the Intro to Theatre course.

Here are more of the Intro students, assembling flats. . .

. . . and priming those flats.

I’m not sure what Therese and Josiah (yes, we have two Josiahs right now!) are working on, but here they are, working on it, as TA Joe responds to a question from off-camera.


My projects for the afternoon included a base coat for the hardwood floor downstage, painted directly on the stage floor. . .

. . . and graining the planks that will be laid on the upstage platforming.

Clybourne Park and The Tender Land

Posted in General Production, Student Work on October 30th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Construction continues on the upcoming UW-Whitewater’s production of “Clybourne Park.” In the shop, TA Quinn assigns some of his fellow students their tasks.

While in the Barnett, TA Thad considers his work on the escape stairs.

Down in the costume shop, Amber works on the doll. . .

. . . while costume designer and costume shop supervisor Tracey Lyons advises Leann (hidden behind the dressmaker’s form) on how to build a pregnancy pad for use in rehearsals.

Amber also built a mini-Nate puppet, which is now hanging proudly in the shop.

This is a little on the old news side, but down in the theatre corridor, the bulletin boards are filling up with work from the Introduction to Theatrical Design course. On one side, we see the students’ first attempt at a model, their quick and dirty presentations of the short play “Return of the Living.”

On the other side, we see their boards for their costume design final projects. They worked on either “Jeffrey” or “Rashomon.” Strangely enough, no one picked Shaw’s “Getting Married.”

Here are some students hard at work in the design room. It looks like Kat’s doing something for either Intro to Design or Make

Finally, the groundplan for “The Tender Land” nears completion on my drafting table.

Clybourne Park

Posted in General Production on October 30th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Construction continues on the UW-Whitewater production of “Clybourne Park.” (set design by guest Keith Pitts)

Here Logan and Britney work on the escape stairs for the upper hallway.

And here is a header piece, framed out in the shop.

Nate the Dragon

Posted in General Production, Production Photo, Scenic Painting, Student Work on October 27th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Some photos from the final dress rehearsal of the UW-Whitewater’s touring children’s show, “Nate the Dragon.” The set design was by student Thad Kraus, lighting design by student Joe Berman, props artisan was Alison Lozar, costume design by faculty member Tracey Lyons.

Preset. Since this was a new play by a local author, this rehearsal was taped, and there are cameras everywhere. . .

The opening. Eva the Beaver notices the audience.

Joey the Duck hatches, but can’t get out of his shell.

Nate the Dragon flies to Dragon Island but is intercepted by one of the emperor’s wasps.

Nate the Dragon

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on October 24th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

The Dragon Isle side of the rotating back flats for “Nate the Dragon.” Originally, the central rock was supposed to be off on the left — when we laid this side out, we laid it out with the flats upright on stage, thinking that it would easier. None of us realized that when you rotate the flats, the images flip, so while the Treegrass Isle side was fine, the Dragon Isle side no longer matched up. Thad, the student set designer, panicked for a moment, and (since I couldn’t be at tech that evening) then set to work adjusting the image to work (this is his first academic set design). He did a fine job of sorting it out on his own.

Tonight was first dress rehearsal, and here’s the stage under worklights, set for the top. This is a traveling show, so we have a single performance on campus and then it gets loaded into a panel truck with all the costuming and driven around to area schools. Since we never know what the spaces will look like until we get there, the set has to be flexible enough to accommodate libraries and gymnasiums, as well as actual stages.

This is also the first show with puppets we have done. The puppet bodies were purchased, but faculty member Tracey Lyons designed the costumes for them.

A photo from dress rehearsal. Student Joe Berman is the lighting designer.

And Dragon Isle, during dress rehearsal.

Meanwhile, work begins on the next show, “Clybourne Park.” Here’s Intro student Tanner stapled scabs onto legs for the platforming. That show is being designed by guest designer Keith Pitts.