Homework is something every college student struggles with and stresses with each week, and a sigh of relief is given when we finally finish another Monday-Friday school week. While I did my research on college students and their homework load, here are some things that I found:

  • Finals and Midterms account for 31% of all college students stress
  • Balancing Classes and a Job account for 23% of a college students stress
  • Just homework accounts for 13% of a college students stress
  • Students receive on average 3 hours of homework a week per class

After reading this, I began to wonder: Is this accurate for myself, a 21-year-old college junior? And if I’m being quite honest, I think it is. I find myself and my peers to be significantly more stressed around the time of finals and midterms, that just during the semester.

Because of the stress of homework, students tend to see themselves get burnt out, and this often leads to burn out and suffering of their academic performances. Not only academically, but not being able to accomplish and time manage your homework can burn you out mentally and physically.

Here are some stress relieving tips and strategies that can help when you are stressed about homework, or life in general:

  • Exercising regularly: this can help relieve built up anger and stress, and can also be a confidence boost.
  • Regularized sleep routine: this can help get your body in a routine, making you in a overall better mood.
  • Set realistic standards and goals: know your limits of doing homework, and take a break when needed, this prevents pushing yourself too hard.

And as always, make sure you’re taking time for yourself and prioritizing your mental health.

8 thoughts on “The Deal with Homework”

  1. This is such a relatable topic for any college student. It makes it more interesting to read because I can relate to everything being said. It doesn’t seem to shock me that homework accounts for 13% of student stress. I also have the 23% of stress from working and going to school full time so I can definitely relate to that. There have been several times this semester already that I have had to take a mental health break and do something I enjoy. I this this needs to be stressed more in the classroom as well.

  2. This post was a great way to introduce your blog and what it will all be about! I loved that it was both informational and interesting! Your beginning statistics really got me intrigued because it made me think, “wow that is so me” so I wanted to keep reading and it definitely keeps me intrigued and wanting to follow along with your blog and other student tips you are going to give, can’t wait!

  3. Homework now a days is literally pointless. It’s busy work that fills in for the inability of the teacher to actually teach. To make you feel like your getting your moneys worth at school when you’re not actually. All school is about now is students worrying about getting enough points to pass, not if they actually learn something. I’d do away with midterms actually and draw down the hyping up of finals. Its unnecessary stress on the student.

  4. Hi! I really liked your post. I thought that including statistics helped enhance your point and engage the audience in what you are writing! I am looking forward to seeing what else you will write about in your blog!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post since you give some great tips on how to help manage stress with school and life in general. I also appreciate how you mentioned that you should set realistic standards and goals for yourself. Sometimes I find this difficult to do with myself because I assign myself so many tasks to do in a day, that are fairly unreasonable, and then if I don’t complete my entire to-do list I feel that I didn’t accomplish enough. I think this is important for not only myself to work on, but other people as well since I am hoping I’m not the only one that thinks this way. I do also find that time at the gym does relieve a lot of stress for me, so hopefully this tip can help others too!

  6. Kaycee, you give some great relevant statistics in this blog! I for one have experienced all of what you’ve mentioned in the blog before. I definitely can agree with your advice on relieving stress. I would suggest to others as well that creating good daily habits is one of the key drivers to escape burnout. Starting with better sleep, creating a better morning and night routine will jumpstart your productivity and allow you to feel less stressed going into the day.

    Great post!

  7. There is nothing more relatable than being a stressed-out college student. I have always been one to be good at managing my time and being on top of things. In the recent few months, I have struggled with procrastination to the max. I put things off, wait till the last minute, and worry about not being good enough. I have been stressed out due to the fact that I am now working two jobs and going to school full time. This post helped me take a step back and understand that so many people are going through the same time. it is nice to see that you are not the only one and that no matter how I feel, I am doing my best. I look forward to more tips and advice for the rest of the semester!

  8. I am excited to read future posts for this blog. I think the idea is very interesting and can be very helpful to us all. I also feel myself getting more stressed during finals time but I feel like most of my stress comes from balancing work and school especially because school limits the hours I can work and thus how much money I can make so there is also financial stress added onto that. I think your suggestions for helping ease the stress are good so far and can be very effective, it just takes a lot of time management skills as well. Overall, I’m excited to see what other blog post ideas you come up with. Good work!

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