Tag: weight-loss

Love your Metabolism

Love your Metabolism

Ah, the beautiful phrase “high metabolism”. Having a high metabolism essentially means that you can eat more food and not have to worry about the consequences. Those with lower metabolisms struggle burning the food they ate off and have to eat less in order to 

Claim vs. Truth:  Do Weight-Loss Supplements Really Work?

Claim vs. Truth: Do Weight-Loss Supplements Really Work?

Admit it; the first time you saw a commercial for a supplement that was going to help you “lose weight fast without having to exercise or diet” you were a little bit intrigued. The ads ALWAYS have a sexy, tan, muscular man or women giving 

Water-huh, What is it good for?

Water-huh, What is it good for?

WaterSummertime sippin’ is one of the most exciting things to do! The real question is, are you sippin’ enough of the right stuff? One of the hardest things to remember in the summer is that your body needs WATER! Fruit juices, coffee, soda, and/or alcoholic beverages will not keep your body hydrated like water does. Here are some facts on why water is important and also some helpful tips to staying hydrated but yet still have fun throughout your summer activities!

What’s the point? Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. If you don’t have enough water in your body, how can it function properly?

How does it affect your weight? Drinking water won’t make you lose weight, but it will certainly help with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Penn State PhD, Barbara Rolls gives the advice in the article Benefits of Water “what works with weight loss is if you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and help you trim calorie intake.” Moral of the story, DON’T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!

Did you know…? Drinking lots of water keeps your muscles strong, your skin looking better, and makes you feel like you have more energy. One of the greatest benefits of water is it helps your “system stay clean”. What does that imply? Simple as this, lots of water makes you poop! The next time that you feel bloated or have a stomach ache, try drinking more water.

How much should you drink each day? The Food and Nutrition Board for Doctor Oz recommends, “ A person should have 1 ml (about 1/5 of a teaspoon) of water for each calorie he or she consumes. The average diet at the time was approximately 1900 calories, meaning you needed about 64 ounces of water per day.”

What is really in those powder packets? Many of you, like myself, add crystal light, Great Value energy, Mio or whichever flavored packets or flavored liquids you prefer to add to your water. Although, have you ever really looked into the ingredients and seen what they are made of? Well don’t worry, I have. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest “Two of Crystal Light’s ingredients — aspartame and acesulfame potassium — have been linked with a risk of cancer.” The Center for Science also stated “Aspartame might also lead to neurological concerns.” Those two ingredients are not just found in Crystal Light but in many of the powdered packets or liquid flavorings you consume.

For example, here are the ingredients for Grape Mio: Water, Citric Acid, Salt, Propylene Glycol, Potassium Phosphate, Malic Acid, Contains Less than 2% of Niacinamide, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Natural Flavor, Sucralose and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Potassium Citrate, Polysorbate 60, Red 40, Blue 1, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative).

All of those ingredients for a “healthy, zero-calorie” beverage? I just am not so sure about that! Next time, before you tear the packet and add it to your water, check the ingredients. Sure, maybe there are barely any calories in the additive, but the health risks with get you later on in life.

Looking to really spice it up? Choose a healthier and more natural way to flavor your water. One of my favorite things to do is add some slices of lemon and lime in my bottle of H2O. Adding fruits and veggies to your water not only adds flavor, but also some additional nutrients to your diet. Check out some of these great recipes:

Strawberry, Lemon, and Basil

Citrus and Cucumber

Rosemary and Grapefruit

Honeydew and Raspberry

Staying hydrated is VERY important everyday, but especially when you’re spending most of your day’s outdoors! Get into the habit of drinking enough water now and it will just come naturally in the future. See you at the water fountain.

“Always remember that it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you keep on going”

~Kenzi Weidman

Sources: Benefits of Water, How Much Water Do You Really Need? Cons of Crystal Light, ‘Water Enhancers’ Don’t Live Up to the Name