Tag: eric hess

Utilizing technology to achieve your fitness goals

Utilizing technology to achieve your fitness goals

By: Eric Hess Whether this is your first of fourth year off at college, getting into a regular workout routine can be difficult. Other than utilizing our vast amounts of group fitness classes and gyms, there are many things you can do in order to 

Make time, not excuses

Make time, not excuses

By: Eric Hess The number one excuse for not exercising is time. I find myself trying to find as many excuses as possible to not work out. We as students do have very busy days between going to class, doing homework and maintaining a social 

Avoiding the Freshman 15

Avoiding the Freshman 15

Freshman 15 PhotoBy: Eric Hess

On top of making new friends, getting good grades and living on your own you have to worry about the ‘freshman 15’ too? You’re on your own and have the freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, so it’s hard to make the right choices. We’ve all been there, but if you want to beat the dreaded ‘freshman 15’ here are some tips.

Make time for exercise. You may have been an all-star back in high school but if you aren’t playing any sports now and you aren’t getting any exercise, chances are you aren’t going to stay the same weight. Make sure to get involved with intramurals or club sports. Make use of the awesome gyms we have on campus. Go for run around our beautiful campus. There are almost always people playing pick-up games of basketball in the Williams Center, too, and they are always looking for another one to play! It doesn’t matter how you are getting your exercise as long as you are. The Warhawk Fitness Facebook page has all the details on hours of operation, fitness challenges and exercise motivations. Maybe I should be more clear…WALKING to house parties does NOT count!

Plan your meals. Planning your meals allows you for enough time to eat your food and help you make healthier decisions. Running on fast food all day isn’t going to help you stay fit. Set nutrition goals or mentally prepare yourself for the buffets at the dining halls! In fact, you can see what is on the menu before you go to eat. Check it out!

Watch what you eat. Just because mom and dad aren’t around to tell you what to eat doesn’t mean than you should eat cookies and ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Have some self-control and your body and brain will thank you. Remember the proportion of food groups you should be eating: about half of your plate should be fruits and veggies, with the other half being whole grain foods and protein! Color your plate!

Avoid stocking your dorm with loads of junk food. Have healthy snacks in your dorm room to help avoid the temptation of having an entire meal of junk food. There’s plenty of healthy food that you can find at the local grocery stores that are cost-efficient options, and just because the food is there doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Eating because you are stressed or nervous aren’t good reasons to be eating. Make sure you are conscious of every food you put into your mouth. This is your body…you only have got one to live in!

Avoid liquid calories. Alright. This one is quite the challenge for most of us as college students, because you’re most likely going to be having the occasional drink or two. Well, when you do, try and be smart about it. When you’re out drinking try and stay away from food. We all seem to want toppers and lots of greasy and fatty foods when we’re out. It may be a challenge, but how bad do you want to keep that freshman 15 off?

With tips like these and a little self-control I have confidence in each and every one of you to keep your freshman 15 off and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We love hearing from you guys, what are your tips to stay healthy during the school year?

Yesterday you said tomorrow.
Eric Hess