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Doomsday Prep (Finals Edition)

Doomsday Prep (Finals Edition)

Oh the confusing times of the last couple weeks of school. A time of happiness, anxiousness, relief and stress… all at once… yikes. Summer is finally just beyond the horizon but not until those tests, papers and projects are done! Have no fear, believe it 

Luke’s Goodbye

Luke’s Goodbye

Goodbyes are always present in ones life. No matter the degree, a goodbye can be a difficult thing to do. Now graduating from college, I have to say goodbye to a lot of things. Friends, professors, organizations, the dining halls with unlimited chocolate milk, and 

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Whether you live on campus, or commute for classes, it is important to know where the healthy meal options are for when you inevitably get hungry. It is important to make sure you incorporate plenty or fruits, vegetables, and protein into your daily diet.  Below are just some of the healthy meal and snack options that can be found around campus.

There are salad bars located in both Drumlin and Esker Dining Halls which make a great meal or side option that is offered for lunch and dinner daily. In addition, Esker Dining Hall has a stir fry station with various vegetables you can cook and prepare personally to your liking. The dinning halls also usually provide apples, bananas, and oranges which make for the perfect snack.  Prairie Street Market has opened a salad bar as well during the week called The Green Leaf, where they will prepare an individual salad for you as well.

The University Center’s Chopped in Ike Schaffer Commons is open for lunch during the week. At chopped you can also have a salad made for you personally with a wide variety of lettuce, protein options, and vegetables. Also, there is Willie’s 360 located in the University Center when there are a wide variety of smoothies are available. A smoothie is a great option when you need to take something to class with you.

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Staying Away From Spring Allergies

Staying Away From Spring Allergies

Ahhhhh! That smell is in the air… The weather is FINALLY starting to change and the sense of summer is just around the corner. I mean, let’s be real, who doesn’t love to be outside when we (Midwesterners) see the thermometer hit 60 degrees for