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Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful, and So is My Skin

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful, and So is My Skin

With the holidays comes the freezing, brisk air that hurts everyone’s face the second they step outside. Winter can be brutal to your face, making it dry, break out even more. There are ways to avoid this though! There is more to the skin care 



With spooky season coming to a close I’m sure one thing is on everyone’s minds. No not Mariah Carey’s saucy song All I Want for Christmas is You. No not the Thanksgiving Feast coming your way soon or the Thanksgiving 5k if you’re from one 

Three Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out

Three Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out

  1. Being Healthy is a Lifestyle

Working out and eating healthy are great ways to help live a healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits over long periods of time are what really help show and keep progress. Short diets and workout plans may give you quick results, but as soon as you stop the results will fade away. It is very tempting to look for the quick fix now, but you most likely will regret in the long run. It is very important to find a fitness lifestyle that you can maintain and consistently see improvements from. Continue reading Three Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out



Exam SZN is here! We are about 2 months into school and its about that time were you double check your syllabus see the words TEST. This is the scariest time for us Warhawks and this blog will give you some tips so you can