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State of Competition

State of Competition

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Intramural Fun!

Intramural Fun!

Welcome back, Warhawks! Hope everyone had an amazing summer break and is getting back into the swing of things back at the dub. Starting and working on school, work, organizations and other activities can put a lot of stress on individuals. It is good to 

Benefits of Yoga vs. Gym Workouts

Benefits of Yoga vs. Gym Workouts

Going to the gym has always been the “standard” place to get your workout in.  Besides recently new at home workout remedies along with programmed bikes/treadmills, working out and lifting weights at a workout facility was the place to be and the norm for “getting fit.” However, yoga workouts have skyrocketed in popularity within the last few years.  More and more athletes, celebrities and everyday people are appreciating the true benefits, mentally and physically, about yoga.  In today’s blog, I’ll be listing the differences and benefits between a yoga workout and a gym workout in hopes it will inspire you to try something new and learn some valuable information.


Benefits: Explanation:
1) Yoga benefits the
mind, body, and
Yoga not only helps you tone your muscles but also focuses on
bringing awareness to your whole body and inject positive
into yourself. A gym workout really only focuses on improving
your body’s physical condition.
2) Yoga will make
you lean
Yoga stretches and strengthens your muscles
simultaneously which causes you to appear more lean.  When lifting weights, that causes your muscles to bulk up and look
3) Yoga is more
Yoga relies on your whole entire body for strengthening.
Gym workouts use weights and equipment (with only a few exceptions). In yoga, you use your entire body weight as“weights.” Unlike at the gym, your muscles are isolated by being worked individually which can take more time to build.
4) Yoga is calming/reduces stress/improves concentration Yoga focuses on connecting your mind, body and spirit into
one workout.(And if you haven’t tried it, it’s harder than you
You have to focus on performing everything with intention
while following and paying attention to your breathing. 
Feeling each movement and muscles of your body being


Benefits: Explanation:
1) Wide variety of workouts you can do While at the gym, you have a large selection of equipment and space to use to create your own workout.  With yoga, it normally follows a standard format.
2) Builds
you bulk
At the gym, you normally use weights or equipment to break down your muscles so they can build back up bigger and stronger. With yoga, the practice strengthens and stretches your body instead.
3) Can be too
rigorous or
harmful to your
Going to the gym and doing intense weight lifting or cardio can be harmful to your body.  Yoga helps all aspects of your body by engaging your muscles, brain, and breathing.
4) Going to the gym allows you to potentially burn calories and sweat more When working out at a high intensity, your body burns more calories and makes you sweat more.  The can help with weight loss, circulation, and purging toxins in your body.  Unlike yoga where you are purposely trying to lower your heart rate and calm your mind/body.

Some people may still not be a fan of taking a yoga class or consider it a real workout.  However, if you haven’t already, check out Warhawk Group Fitness Yoga classes hosted everyday in the dance studio at the Williams Center!  Obviously there is always more to learn about completing workouts in the gym or by doing yoga so if you’re interested, learn more about the topics here:

As always, stay fit, stay healthy, stay beautiful, Warhawks!

Talk soon,


Where’s the Beef?

Where’s the Beef?

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