Water-huh, What is it good for?

Water-huh, What is it good for?

Summertime sippin’ is one of the most exciting things to do! The real question is, are you sippin’ enough of the right stuff? One of the hardest things to remember in the summer is that your body needs WATER! Fruit juices, coffee, soda, and/or alcoholic 

Farewell to Warhawk Fitness

Farewell to Warhawk Fitness

By: Abbey Bowen Last week, the public relations team started looking for new candidates to replace me, as I will be graduating in a week. During the interviews, we asked “What does Warhawk Fitness mean to you?” I would like to take a moment to 

Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Take A Minute and Ask Yourself “Is It Worth It”?

Life is already full of stress with all the schoolwork we have…why add to it? Family life, relationships, and personal problems are always obstacles in life, and all that stress will slow you down. So think about a situation that has happened to you where 

Struggling with Senioritis: Suggestions to Succeed

Struggling with Senioritis: Suggestions to Succeed

Do you find yourself struggling to pay attention in class and really not caring about homework and studying like you did in the beginning of the year? Do you find yourself dreading going to class more now then you did during the polar vortex?  If