5 gift ideas that encourage health and fitness

5 gift ideas that encourage health and fitness

By: Abbey Bowen As someone who is really passionate about health and fitness, I love giving gifts that encourage my loved ones to stay in shape, especially throughout the holiday season. These gift ideas are perfect for a fitness enthusiast or someone looking for help 

Count Ingredients, Not Calories

Count Ingredients, Not Calories

Hello fellow Warhawks. Something that I have grown pretty passionate about is eating clean. I started to get into it this past summer after watching a documentary on Netflix (Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead).  Of course in Netflix fashion, one documentary lead to two, which 

The PERKS of Coffee

The PERKS of Coffee

Are you one of those people that can’t go a day without their morning “cup of Joe?” Well I sure am! Coffee keeps me normal and allows me to function. Am I addicted? Possibly. There are the myths out there that “coffee will stunt your 

The ugly truth: Carbohydrates

The ugly truth: Carbohydrates

By: Abbey Bowen I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard someone say they cut carbs out of their diet to get healthier, but I’ve also heard people talk about how good they are for you.  So, this got me thinking. Which one is