University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


Valentine’s Day with Bae

Valentine’s Day is upon us, which is one of the few days of the year when it is socially acceptable to preach your love for your partner from the mountain top.  I’m not much for bragging about your loved one… Continue Reading →

Spending the Holidays 1700 Miles From Home

I knew this holiday was definitely going to be different. The holidays have always been a family-centered event for me. It seems like it is almost a competition to see how many family members on both sides of the family… Continue Reading →

What to Do over Winter Break

After a semester’s worth of sleepless nights, endless amounts of studying, and papers where the citations seem to take an eternity to finish, there’s no doubt that you deserve a chance to catch up on sleep and relax. However, there… Continue Reading →

How To Vote

Voting Process With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, it’s easy to get confused about how the process of voting in your town works. It can be even harder to understand when you move away from your hometown… Continue Reading →

Halloween Costumes on a Budget

With Halloween right around the corner, it can be hard to choose an awesome yet affordable costume in such a short time. Here are some impressive costume ideas that’ll give you bang for your buck! Only 90’s kids will understand… Continue Reading →

The True Story About Old Main

Most people forget that there once was a building on campus called Old Main. The only time it is really ever mentioned is when a student takes a campus tour, or there’s an event in the Old Main Ballroom in… Continue Reading →

College on Instagram vs. Real Life

College on Instagram vs. Real Life Believe it or not, we are 5 weeks into the semester. With my procrastination skills in full gear, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed looking and seeing what my friends have been up… Continue Reading →

Waiting In Line For The New iPhone

It’s certainly no secret that I’m a fan of Apple products. The MacBook Pro sitting on my desk at home, the iPad Pro that I’m typing this on, the iPhone that’s always within an arm’s reach, and the Apple Watch… Continue Reading →

Soaking Up Summerfest

Looking for something fun to do this summer? If you have never been to Summerfest this should be the summer you start! Plus, the UC will have tickets at Summer on the Mall on June 22 so mark your calendars!… Continue Reading →

What is there to do in Whitewater over the summer?

You decided to spend your precious summer months here in Whitewater rather than your hometown… now what? Instead of spending countless hours watching episodes of Netflix and scrolling through your Facebook timeline, here are a few things that can keep… Continue Reading →

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