University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag Netflix

Movie Reviews: Best of Netflix

Netflix is one of the most common streaming services that college students use to unwind after a long day, relax on a rainy or snowy weekend, or to simply use as entertainment with friends. Netflix streams thousands of movies, television… Continue Reading →

Hulu vs. Netflix

It’s that time of year again. Summer. The time where you get a break from all the studying for classes and taking exams (unless you have a summer class, then good luck to you!) It’s also the time of year… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day with Bae

Valentine’s Day is upon us, which is one of the few days of the year when it is socially acceptable to preach your love for your partner from the mountain top.  I’m not much for bragging about your loved one… Continue Reading →

Which Netflix Show is for You?

ATTENTION FOLLOW STUDENTS: It’s finally time for spring break! The week we have long been waiting for. For some of you lucky kids that means beaches, vacations and adventure and your spring break probably looks something like this… For others… Continue Reading →

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