University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag meal plan

Which Meal Plan is Right for You?

Which Meal Plan is Right for You? Here at Whitewater we have many meal plan options for our students to choose from. It can seem overwhelming at the beginning but don’t worry because we are here to help! Breaking Down… Continue Reading →

Benefits of Dining Dollars

If you have a meal plan, you also have Dining Dollars, either in the small add-on account with a weekly meal plan or the Full or Mega Dining Dollar plan.  Do you know all of the benefits of having Dining… Continue Reading →

How to Prepare Your Parent for College

Sticky post

Going away to college can be scary not only for the student, but for the parents too! There are hundreds of checklists for the student to use to prepare for college, but there aren’t always a lot of tips for… Continue Reading →

How To Eat Clean With A Meal Plan

One of the toughest challenges we face as college students is maintaining healthy eating habits. If you have lived on campus at any point in time, you would know that most of the time it can be extremely difficult to eat… Continue Reading →

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