University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Marketing Committee

Summer Date Night Ideas at Home

Dates can be challenging. Depending on what you are in the mood for, what is even open, and your budget, trying to figure out a fun and cost-effective date can be tough. With that said, summer is here and is… Continue Reading →

Advice for Graduating Students

Advice for Graduating Students As Ms. Darbus once said, “you did it…you graduated.” Congratulations to all the graduates this year! We are so proud of you #intheUC and know you will all go on to do great things. Graduating college… Continue Reading →

How to Succeed in an Online Class

A lot of students have never taken an online class and transitioning to an online class can be a big challenge. We have put together a list of resources and tips for you to use while classes are online. Feel… Continue Reading →

Changing Procrastination into Productivity

At one point or another throughout the semester, we all fall into a season of procrastination. Whether it’s for a short period of time during the semester or all throughout, we experience this urge to push our homework and projects… Continue Reading →

The Luck of the Irish

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that many American’s enjoy celebrating every year. It’s a great excuse to get together with family and friends, attend the local parade, wear lots of green clothes, and drink beer. However, there is a… Continue Reading →

Resources for Students of Color

Being a student of color at a predominantly white university can be overwhelming. I, myself, often struggle to find my place on campus and to be in a community with “my people.” But fear not! UW-Whitewater has been intentional in… Continue Reading →

Don’t Break your Bank this Spring Break

Are you trying to plan an affordable spring break with all your closest friends? Here are some ways you can cut down on costs, but still make memories you will never forget! Of course, everyone wants to escape this Wisconsin… Continue Reading →

How to Organize Your Busy Schedule

Get a Planner! It might seem cliché, but using a planner is one of the easiest ways to stay organized! I use a planner for both school and work, and I can’t tell you how many times it has saved… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day for the Single Person

February 14, a day we know as Valentine’s Day. I prefer to call it Single’s Awareness Day, personally. As someone who is surrounded by people in relationships, it can be hard to spend the day of love alone. That being… Continue Reading →

The “Before I Graduate” Bucket List

As second semester rolls around, seniors start to say the famous statement of “I wish I would have done this” or “I regret not doing that”. Some of us, if we’re lucky, will even have the opportunity to talk to… Continue Reading →

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