University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Seniors & Graduates

Taking The Step to Meal Prep

As you scroll through Instagram or binge TikTok for longer than we would all like to say, odds are you have come across meal prepping in your feed. While it seems so cool to make aesthetically pleasing meals every week,… Continue Reading →

Interview Questions You Should Always Ask

As your college career continues, interviewing for your dream job can become more and more intimidating. You must worry about how your resume looks, how you should dress, prepare for questions you are going to be asked and so much… Continue Reading →

Decorating Your Grad Cap

We long for it to be a break already, and then all of a sudden it is the end of the semester! Finals and graduation can really creep up on you out of nowhere. Do you need some last-minute inspiration… Continue Reading →

Finding Your Balance as a Working, Full-Time Student

Being a full-time working student, it can be easy to feel out of balance and disorganized. Here are some of my top tips for getting back on track, from one working student to another! Get a planner.   Organization is… Continue Reading →

What Banking Option is Right for you?

UW-W Student Banking Options Even with the Coronavirus pandemic, a lot of students are either returning to school or moving closer to campus for online courses. Whether you had your own bank account before you started college or not, deciding… Continue Reading →

Creating A Routine That Works For You

Starting a new semester brings lots of changes and as college students we must adapt to a new class schedule, possibly a new living arrangement, and other new opportunities that come our way.  This semester is unlike any other with lots… Continue Reading →

6 Easy Ways Students Can Save Money

As part of Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012), you might think that saving is something to do in your late 20’s or early 30’s. But the truth is that saving – whether it be for retirement, medical emergencies,… Continue Reading →

Mind Your Health & Stress Less

STRESS-BUSTING TIPS Stress is a natural part of life – we all experience it and some of us struggle with it every day. While acute stress is inevitable, it is important to keep day-to-day stress managed so it does not… Continue Reading →

Advice for Graduating Students

Advice for Graduating Students As Ms. Darbus once said, “you did it…you graduated.” Congratulations to all the graduates this year! We are so proud of you #intheUC and know you will all go on to do great things. Graduating college… Continue Reading →

How to Organize Your Busy Schedule

Get a Planner! It might seem cliché, but using a planner is one of the easiest ways to stay organized! I use a planner for both school and work, and I can’t tell you how many times it has saved… Continue Reading →

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