University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Entertainment

Ballin’ On A Budget

by: Anna Cernohous Happy Halloween and spooky season! As college students, the Sunday scaries are no strangerand neither is how scary expensive it is to live away from your family. On top of tuition,rent/room and board, you have to find… Continue Reading →

Morris Pratt And The Temple of Psychic Science in Whitewater

Written by: Carol Cartwright of the Whitewater Historical Society Edited by: Bailey Gaffney Morris Pratt was one of the many Americans who immigrated to Wisconsin from New York State in the 1840s.  He came with his family as a young… Continue Reading →

UW-W Fun Facts

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has spent the last 150 years inspiring, engaging, and transforming lives, and takes pride in the recognitions earned along the way. However, there may be some things that you never knew about our campus. Keep reading… Continue Reading →

Who Were the Whitewater Spiritualists?

Written by: Carol Cartwright of the Whitewater Historical Society Edited by: Bailey Gaffney Many of the “spooky” legends of Whitewater may be traced back to real history.  For example, in 1889, Morris Pratt, a Spiritualist, built a “Temple of Psychic… Continue Reading →

Top Disney Movies Watchlist

By: Bailey Gaffney If you don’t have Disney+, it can be hard to remember all of the Disney movies that are out there, let alone the ones that you may not have seen yet. I sure come across this problem,… Continue Reading →

Ways to Get Outside This Summer

By: Molly Thomas It’s the middle of the summer for most of us and you may be needing some inspiration on new ways to get outside. Especially in college, most of us have a three month long summer. Hopefully you’ve… Continue Reading →

What In The World Is Heritage Travel?

By: Bailey Gaffney Before getting into the different types and ways to participate in heritage tourism/travel, it’s important to know what it is! According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Heritage Tourism is “traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that… Continue Reading →

Easy Houseplants That Anyone Can Keep Alive

Have you ever walked into someone’s home to see beautiful, lively plants all over and wonder how this person developed such a green thumb? I think this every time I go over to my grandma’s house. Plants liven up a… Continue Reading →

A Streaming Service Survival Guide

Background It seems, these days, that there is a shift in the way people enjoy their entertainment at home. We went from strictly cable tv, to satellite tv with numerous packages and channels to choose from. Then there was the… Continue Reading →

Spring Break Staycation Ideas

It’s no surprise that this spring break is going to be a lot different than the last few years. Although heading somewhere warm and sunny for spring break always sounds amazing; for some, finding a way to make Wisconsin your… Continue Reading →

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