The first day of college is such an exciting time filled with many questions. “What is there to do on campus?” “How do I fill my time?” “Will I like it here? “How do I learn my way around campus?” All of these questions are so familiar to college freshmen. As a senior, I am able to look back on my freshman year and think about how happy I am to have had the experiences I did and what I wish I would have done sooner. Here is a list of the must do’s for college freshmen from a college senior!

  1. Explore the campus!

Your first day on campus is a great time to explore! Grab your roommate or some people you have met and walk around the campus. Find all of the best study spots, classes, the cute little hang out areas, food places, and just get to know the campus! Finding all these spots before the first day will make your first day of classes that much better. 

  1. Find clubs, sports, and organizations! 

Finding sports, clubs, and organizations to join will be SO helpful in finding “your people”. It is so great to bond with people who have a passion for the same thing as you and are able to relate. Whether it is finding a club, joining an intramural sports team, or finding an organization that you feel connected to, there are so many ways to get involved. Most colleges have an involvement fair where you can go around and learn about all of the clubs and organizations your college has to offer (and these events occasionally have some free giveaways)! 

  1. Get to know the people in your residence hall!

When you move into your first year of college it can be scary to get out there and meet new people. Many RA’s will host floor dinners and events, always go to these! It is so so so important to build a connection with those on your floor as well as your RA. You will be living in this hall for roughly 9 months, make those 9 months so much better by becoming friends with those who you are surrounded by! 

  1. Use your campus resources! 

There are so many resources on a college campus. For University of Wisconsin- Whitewater we have so many that are FREE! We have a health and counseling center right here on campus! We also have a food pantry which rumor has it.. received some yummy Girl Scout Cookies the week I wrote this blog (things change week to week) which are FREE for students! Another resource that we have to offer is our library which has more than just books! They also have computer check-outs, technology help, research help, and so much more! Getting familiar with resources on campus is so helpful, you never know what will come in handy! 

  1. Set aside time for yourself! 

Give yourself time to relax. Whether that is taking a night to watch your favorite show, going on a walk,  scheduling time to call your best friend from home, or having a night in, take some time for yourself. There is so much excitement and activities in college, especially during freshman orientation, it is important to take some time for yourself and relax. Giving yourself that time will make those fun activities that much more enjoyable. 

The first year comes with a lot of questions and the anticipation of the years to come. Making the most of your first year will give you the experience that every college student wants and give you memories to last a lifetime.I hope these tips make everyone’s transition to college and first year as smooth and fun as possible.  Get involved, meet new people, and make the most of your freshman year!