We had two wins this week, and a loss. Our game against the Clippers was a solid win. We shot well, defended pretty well and overall deserved the win. Our other win was against the grizzlies. We should’ve won by a lot more honestly, but our defense was slacking hard in the second half which is why we won by only one point. This leads to the loss against the nuggets. It’s unfortunate to say that Brook Lopez has been falling apart on our team both defensively and offensively. He’s a big guy at the center position, but he settles for a 3 or a mid range jump shot too often. And on defense, he’s very slow and can’t defend any center that is a little bit athletic. Another player I’m having an issue with is D.J. Augustine. He’s a great ball handler, but that is literally it. He can’t shoot, cant penetrate to the basket and is a major liability on defense, especially when he gets switched up on someone 6’5 or taller. For some reason we’ve had him starting at point guard for a few games, and he really hasn’t made a contribution to our team except for giving up too many points to the other team, and occasionally making a shot. A huge issue with our team as well is that there isn’t any movement of anyone trying to get open on offense. What I see still is everyone standing around while one person tries to score. This was heavily exposed during the nuggets game. Although we did get a couple wins, we still need to fix these flaws if we want to make a playoff run. Let me know what you guys think about this and add any thoughts!